How to Achieve Your Goals (It’s Easier Than You Think)

Achieve Your Goals

Do you remember the last time you achieved a goal? That great feeling of accomplishment as soon as you checked off that goal on your list. Well, it’s February now and I assume most of us set some goals for this year that we’d like to achieve. So, how is that goal coming along so far? Have you accomplished it or are on your way to achieving it? If you find yourself needing some help to kick start your way to crossing off goals off of your list, then look further! Here’s some easy ways you can achieve that.

Look at your goals everyday

Whether you create a vision board or checklist, you should be looking at your goals everyday. This will keep your vision clear and remind you regularly on the goals you’re going to achieve. Personally, I created a vision board for my biggest goals (think your dream life) and checklists for my yearly, monthly and daily goals. I find that this helps me work backwards to get closer to my end result, which is my dream life.

Break your goals down

Sometimes we can become overwhelmed when we’re looking at a big goal and don’t know how the heck we’re going to achieve it. This is why breaking goals down and working backwards is essential! I learned this lesson from the great Gary Vaynerchuck and it’s never failed me once. For example, if your goal is to have six pack abs by the end of the year then what are the smaller goals that you need to achieve first? Here’s where you break it down. . . monthly goals would be to change your lifestyle by eating healthier, working out regularly and reaching your desired weight/look for that month. Weekly goals would be to workout at least 4 times a week and up your protein etc. Daily goals could be to go food shopping, meal prep and plan your workout for the day. Do you see how these small goals will eventually lead you to achieving that big goal of six pack abs? So set your big goal, break it down into smaller goals, work backwards and stay consistent.

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Make yourself accountable

The easiest way to make yourself accountable is by telling people what you’re going to achieve. Now I wouldn’t go spreading this news to just anybody, tell people who are close to you and trustworthy. They’re the ones who will stay on you to make sure you’re doing the little things to get closer to achievements everyday. This tactic works because none of us want to look like “liars” and “failures” so we’re more keen to sticking to it once it’s out there in the universe.

Be realistic

Speaking of feeling like a failure. . . please set goals that are realistic for you to achieve. We’re already hard on ourselves as is, don’t do yourself more harm by setting goals that aren’t attainable within a certain time frame. For example, an unattainable goal would be wanting to make a billion dollars in 6 months. Yet, you’re currently unemployed and have no side hustle or income coming in. An easy way to see whether you can achieve your goal is by breaking it down into the allotted time frame you set. If the smaller goals are overwhelming and unattainable, then you most likely will not reach that big goal by the end of the year.
I know that day by day, week by week, month by month we might think no progress is being made. However, little progressions add up to big accomplishments. After six months of consistency, you’ll look back and see how far you’ve really come! Implement these four easy tips and start achieving those big goals!

Until next time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Disciplined!


Let’s be friends! 🙂

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