5 Signs That You Have a Fear of Failure

Five signs that you have a fear of failure
Do you remember the first time you genuinely experienced fear? It’s inevitable to avoid and at one point or another, we’ll all encounter it. The most powerful fear of them all is failure; this emotion has a way of instantly stopping us in our tracks. Making us do anything possible and necessary to avoid it! We’ll change around all of our plans just to keep failure from knocking at our door. Not sure if you have a fear of failure? Here’s 5 signs that says you do!

Settle/Stay Content

We all have dreams, goals and aspirations yet 99% of us aren’t pursuing them. The mindset most of us grow up with is to get our education, secure a good job and look forward to the weekend! This is what’s deemed as normal and anything outside of it is downright insane. Although we have this burning desire to pursue our passion(s), we’re told by outsiders that “success” only happens to the lucky ones (which you are not). So we settle and say to ourselves, “My life isn’t that bad. . . it could be worse!” We go on to live a content, regular, boring life where all we have to look forward to is the weekends and our days off during holiday’s.

Wait Until the “Perfect” Time

“I can’t do X until. . .” is usually what we tell ourselves to justify why we can’t start something in that present moment. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. . . the “right time” doesn’t exist and will never exist. The only time to start something is in the present while you have a fresh mind and momentum. But no, we prolong it out and await this perfect day to start that’ll never show its face.

RELATED: How to Achieve Your Goals (It’s Easier Than You Think)


Always Planning

Getting stuck in “planning mode” is so easy to do and oftentimes we don’t even realize it! Additionally, there’s a fine line between planning mode and awaiting the perfect time. It’s easy to align the two yet instead of saying “I can’t do X until. . . ” you switch it with “I’m planning so I can do X on (insert date here that’ll never come).” I’m not saying planning is bad to do because it’s definitely essential to achieve success. However, if you’ve been “planning” for several years then your time has came, went and conquered!


So many people tell me that they work well under pressure and while some may do, this is noway to effectively work! If you find yourself always waiting until the last minute to complete something then you’re definitely skilled in procrastinating. The funny thing is, we use it as a way to deflect but in the end it gets the last laugh. Why? Procrastination is an invitation inviting failure straight to your front door!
[click_to_tweet tweet=”Procrastination is an invitation inviting failure straight to your front door!” quote=”Procrastination is an invitation inviting failure straight to your front door!”]

Make Excuses

This is where things can get a little shifty because sometimes we set ourselves up for failure so the sting won’t be as bad. Then we have the right to make an excuse for why it didn’t originally work out as we “planned” it to. Or we’ll use our current situations to place blame on so we have ample amount of excuses for justification. Either way you tweak it, excuses are the biggest way to not only to avoid fear but stay stagnant overall.
Fear is so powerful because we give it the mental ability to be. Yet if you face it head on, you’ll see that it was never that bad to begin with. Do you have a fear of failure? If it’s been hindering you from achieving your successes, then you need to dig deeper! My program, “Girl, You Got This!” is specifically designed for women who want to take action and create a life that’s lived on their own terms.

I see this all too often where women stop chasing their dreams due to fear of failure, judgement of others and life excuses. So I created my program to help women break free, gain their confidence, shift the mindset and start executing! If you’re ready to take your life to the next level, CLICK HERE to reserve your spot.


Until next time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Disciplined!


Let’s be friends!

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