How to Remain Productive While Unhappy With Your Job

remain productive while unhappy with job

Guest post written by JB!

Today there are millions of people in the world who are not fully satisfied or engaged at their jobs. Actually that’s inaccurate, there are 1.02 billion people in the world who feel that way. This information is from Gallup Analytics, whom for 20 years has polled millions of employees each year from nearly 200 countries around the world about their level of job “satisfaction.” Let’s write that out for display. . . 1,020,000,000 and out of 1.02 billion only 180 million people are engaged, satisfied employees; that’s roughly 15%.
According to Forbes, “engaged” means they feel a sense of “passion” for and “deep connection” to their work, spending their days “driving innovation and moving their company forward.” So take a deep breathe, Harlem Shake it out a little, you are not alone in how you feel at work and I’m sure if you’re reading this you fall into the majority. If you’re happy and engaged at work, stop reading now and go celebrate your acceptance into a pretty unique group; then nudge some of your friends into that group. For those in the 85%, start digging your way out today with the below perspective shifters and action items.

It Pays

You’re getting paid and as basic as it sounds its true, so be grateful about that. It may not be the check that solidifies your retirement but its essential and meaningful today. Also, the fact that it pays allows you to learn and soak up all the information that you can while someone pays you. Shift your perspective to one that recognizes and appreciates the truth, that you are getting paid to learn. You are also being paid to perform, and you should want to perform well for yourself more than any other reason. One person you don’t want to let down is yourself because you have to wake up and go to sleep with that truth. So tell yourself “The only person I’m letting down is myself.”

Master the Simple Tools

The best cooks in the world aren’t great because of countless attempts at making a certain dish but mastering heat, seasonings, the knife, and other cooking utensils. You don’t need a better job or opportunity to master time management, organization, or task focus. No doubt it takes practice but you have each work day as an opportunity. You’ll find that it makes work go with efficiency because you’re not thinking about an escape from your prison-like job. Instead, you begin to plan better and sharpen the tool(s) you have. Becoming engaged for selfish reasons works out in your favor because it’s good for your own growth. The key here is to not get comfortable through your discovery but to keep chipping away at the opportunity. It does not mean to stop looking for a more engaging career opportunity but more so focus on the tools that will make the next chapter a positive one.

RELATED: Why You Should (Sometimes) Work for Free to Get Ahead


Be Forward Thinking

Find something to look forward to, whether that is conquering a new hobby, planning out and starting a side business, or potentially searching for a job that will bring you closer to the things you enjoy. Out of the three realizations in this article, this tip may be the most important. Becoming forward thinking can align your present day focus, it will allow you to fill in those times of distraction with task. It will take your mind from the lack of excitement of now and to the excitement of where you see yourself being. It will also take the worry and anxiety out of your current situation and give you a vision of buoyant chapters of your work career and life.


The resources you need are accessible to you now, so don’t look else where, look around you. Many people are waiting for a big break, the big call, email, text, pigeon mail, to deliver their message of breakthrough. They sit at their desk or place of work and wish for rain without searching and digging for water. They are complaining that they aren’t where they want to be but they aren’t proving they can take advantage of the resources they have around them. We are all victim to it, and though I’m writing this piece I am not excluded from being a victim, I also am not excluded from trying.
This article only focuses on the work place but it can go for all aspects of your life. Instead of wanting everything you wished for in your hands tomorrow, use the tools you have today, right in front and around you. There are positives in your situation that only can be seen and taken advantage of though a true perspective change.