Seven Things Successful Entrepreneurs Do Everyday (& You Can Too!)

successful entrepreneur habits you should implement
For the last few years, I’ve enlightened myself by listening to and reading the stories/tips from successful entrepreneurs. After awhile a few of the tips started to become a trend among all of them! Sure, they all didn’t do the same thing at the same time but the overall points were undeniably the same. So I’ve compiled a list of things that successful entrepreneurs do everyday. . . with the goal to adopt this lifestyle into my life and yours!

Chunk Their Time

You’ve probably heard someone say that they perform best while under pressure; what they’re really doing (without realizing) is time chunking their critical tasks. Time chunking is when you give yourself an allotted time to get something completely done. Which means, you have absolutely no time to procrastinate with social media and/or T.V. because you only have “X” amount of time to get that task done. Once the time is up, that’s it. . . you’re to move onto the next task at hand. This works really well because it forces you to stay focused and the overall end result is productivity. So the next time you have something critical to do, set a timer and get to work!

Plan Their Day

Successful entrepreneurs plan their day(s). . . they wake up and know exactly what needs to get done. To make this easier, you can plan everything for the next day the night before. This includes tasks, meetings, errands, packing breakfast/lunch and even picking out your outfit! By doing this, you stay on track and don’t get distracted by whatever the day brings you. When we wait until the day of to plan, we end up giving ourselves too much to think about which results in time wasted.

Personal Time

A lot of successful entrepreneurs mention the importance of setting aside personal time throughout the day. There are so many options for how you can spend your personal time, a few I’ve read about are: Mediation, affirmations, quiet time, watching TV with their family, weekend getaway etc. The point here is, do whatever it is that you thoroughly enjoy doing so your mind can be cleared from all the things that comes with work! It’s important that we have time for ourselves to avoid burnout and other negative effects that stress can bring.

Keep Their Inbox Clear

I’m certain successful entrepreneurs aren’t the only ones who get anxiety while attempting to clean out their inbox! A great way to stay on top of this is to use the time chunking tip above where you set aside two 25 minute sessions to read/delete emails. Another recommended tip is to not check your email as soon as you wake up and turn off your notifications altogether! You’ll only check your emails within those two sessions per day and that’s it.

RELATED: Why Being “Busy” Doesn’t Mean You’re Being Productive


Delegate Tasks

I know it’s so hard to delegate important tasks to someone else however, we can’t expect ourselves to do it all. Outsourcing/delegating your tasks is a great way to get things done in a timely and efficient manner. It also doesn’t have to be expensive. . . if you don’t want to or can’t afford to hire a personal assistant (yet) then INSERT HERE should be your best friend! If you’re at the point of feeling swamped and overwhelmed on a regular basis, then it’s time to delegate. When we try to do it all, that’s when the quality in certain aspects of our business start to decline. Successful entrepreneurs are aware of this and why that’s why delegate and/or outsource as many tasks as they possibly can. It allows them to grow their business on a faster scale and generate more income than they would have, if they continued trying to do everything on their own.

They NEVER Stop Learning

There are so many different ways that you can increase your personal development now. Podcasts, videos on YouTube, books, blogs, eBooks, audio books, courses, mentoring, coaching and the list goes on! These are all methods that successful entrepreneurs use to educate themselves and elevate their personal development. What I personally learned from this is, we should always invest in first ourselves and then our business. How can we make the right decisions when we’re illiterate to the topic? Find your favorite way of learning and set aside time at least once a week to educate yourself!

They Stop Working & Rest

I know. . . everyone says never stop hustling and sleep when you die! Well, I’m here to tell you that you’re favorite successful entrepreneur thinks that a load of bull. Even Bill Gates knows when it’s time to stop working and recharge! We’ve been wired to think that we’re being lazy or not working enough if we don’t work the entire day and half of the night. As I stated in INSERT BLOG POST, being busy is not the same thing as being productive. If you’re being productive, then you’re definitely getting things done. . . likewise, if you’re being busy then you’re probably getting next to nothing done! Nonetheless, how can you make the best decisions when you’re worn out and tired? Every successful entrepreneur will tell you that they have a set schedule to get work done and time set aside to rest and recharge.

Until next time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Disciplined!


Let’s be friends!

Follow me on Instagram @MissAshleyAllison Twitter @MsAshleyAllison and Snapchat @MsAshleyAllison.