8 Reasons Why You Haven’t Started Your Business Yet

Reasons why you have not started your business yet
How many times have you told yourself that you’re going to start a business, grow it, quit your 9-5 and live a wonderful fulfilling life? Fast forward to a week, month or maybe a year later and you still haven’t started your business yet. I can definitely relate to you. . . it took me a year to start this blog, as I created so many excuses on why I couldn’t. There’s so many people who do the same, they have an idea but create their own glass ceiling to stop themselves from flourishing. If you find this all too familiar, then this post is definitely for you! Here’s 8 reasons why you haven’t started your business yet.

You’re Not Focused

Social media, parties, doing favors, TV shows, work and whatever else you can think of that easily distracts us. These are the main factors of why someone would not work on their business however, it’s just an excuse. Once you decide that you’re fully committed, nothing will get in the way of that. My biggest recommendation for decreasing distractions is to time chunk; get all of your similar tasks done at once and regain more time throughout the week!

Stuck in “Planning Mode”

The dreaded planning mode, we’ve all done it. . . “I can’t launch because I haven’t finished planning yet.” This is complete BS and a form of procrastination at its finest! Truth is, you will NEVER have it all figured out and your plan will more than likely change multiple times. For the people who get stuck in “planning mode” the one piece of advice I give is to JUST START! It won’t be perfect because nothing ever is on the first and sometimes second time. That is the beauty of entrepreneurship though. . . learning from our mistakes and making it better!

Can’t Find the Time

There’s never enough time and it’s always something. . . that’s a true saying for most! I find myself saying that at times but it’s usually when I didn’t plan my day correctly. Like many others, I got use to my normal routine of going to work from 9-5 and going home to do nothing. Once I started my businesses, that routine went out of the window very quickly! I had to find time to work on my business during my 9-5, once I got home and on the weekends. Which meant, I needed to keep a tight schedule and stay as productive as possible. A lot of entrepreneurs talk about how they wake up at 4AM and go to bed after midnight. I say there’s no right or wrong way on how you schedule your day, as long as the work is getting done!

Everyone’s Opinion Matters

Everyone has an opinion. . . and if you let them, they’ll give you it. I tread easy with who I share my business ideas with because 9 times out of 10, they will not relate to it. Most likely, the people you share your goals and dreams with are your family and friends. I hate to tell you this but they may be the last group of people that you want to express ideas to! Not because they’ll put you down or say it’s horrible (although some might) but because they aren’t your target customer. Chances are when someone can’t relate to something, it will not excite them how it does for you. Instead, look into joining Facebook groups and engage with others who are within your same niche and can provide better feedback.

RELATED: Seven Things Successful Entrepreneurs Do Everyday (& You Can Too!)


You’re Scared to Fail

If you’ve been working for most of your life and climbing the corporate ladder then you’re probably used to succeeding. You go to your job everyday, excel in your work, get a paycheck and go home. . . great! Now you find yourself building a business, trying to earn capital and the worst part is you’re learning on a whim! It can be difficult to cope with the fact that you’re doing everything to build this business and it seems as though it’s not taking off. What will you do if you fail and what will people think? I’m here to tell you that this is completely normal and OK to feel. . . for the moment. The key here is to change your thinking from “worker” to “owner.” You’re creating your own life now therefore, you need to train your mind to redefine what success is. For example, finding a sample contractor to create my bra design was considered a success for me. Sure, my end goal is to have the biggest lingerie brand ever BUT we’ll get to that in due time. Learn to celebrate ALL OF YOUR WINS!

Trying to Create Something New

I hate to break the news to you but there’s absolutely no such thing as a new idea. . . reinventing an idea, sure! Please do not kill yourself mentally by trying to come up with the new latest [INSERT IDEA HERE]. What you need to remember is, the thing that’ll make you distinct and unique is YOU! Only you can make a business that’ll have a brand that’s configured and designed by you. Always remember, there’s multiple burger chains, computers, fashion brands, cars and the list goes on. Do you think Burger King decided not to start their business because of McDonalds? Nope!

Comparing Your Day 1 to Someone’s Day 5,000

How many times have you’ve been inspired by someone’s success story? You want to work from an island and make 100K a month in 60 days too! Yes, these success stories are super motivational however, it can quickly lead to comparison. It’s too easy to ask ourselves, “how come my business hasn’t taken off in 30 days like theirs?” Although we know that they’ve been building their business since 1998, it still hurts our ego to see how “easy” it came to them and not to us. When I found myself falling into the comparison trap, I started to align myself with people who were at the same stage as me. It’s an ego booster to know that you’re not the only one whose first starting out on the entrepreneurial journey.

Doing Too Much at Once

Starting a business is scary and overwhelming (to say the least), you don’t know where to start and how to get from point A to point B. However, the thing to keep in mind here is that you can’t (and won’t) have the entire plan mapped out in 1 day. The best place to start is from your end result. . . I know it sounds absolutely ridiculous but hear me out! With your end result in mind, you can now work backwards and create your plan. Additionally, don’t expect to know how to do everything because no one knows when they’re first starting out. You will have to break down your big goal into smaller ones and achieve milestones along the way. One day you will wake up and see how far you’ve came. . . once the momentum starts rolling you’re sure to excel ahead!
Starting a business can be daunting and overwhelming, especially if you do not have support. Everyone whose taken this journey has had their fears and doubts however, they didn’t let that deter them from still trying! You don’t want to continue to put your dreams to the side due to fear and have regrets later. It’s all about starting somewhere, gaining momentum and learning along the way! What are some reasons why you haven’t turned your passion(s) into profit? Let me know in the comments and please don’t forget to subscribe!

Until next time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Disciplined!


Let’s be friends!

Follow me on Instagram @MissAshleyAllison Twitter @MsAshleyAllison and Snapchat @MsAshleyAllison.