4 Quick Ways To Balance Your Job While Growing Your Business

balance job while growing business

Figuring out how to balance your job while growing your business is the biggest issue most first-time entrepreneurs face. We ask ourselves. . . How am I going to start this business when I work a full time job? I don’t have time to dedicate to my side hustle because I work and have kids. The excuses and complaints can go on and on forever. If you’ve ever told yourself that you can’t do x, y and z for your business because of some excuse you’ve created, then I’m glad you’re here! Truth is, the only solution to your problem is finding your perfect balance. At times, that balance can make you feel quite uncomfortable. However, if starting successful businesses were that easy. . . then everyone would be doing it. So here’s four simple (but hard to come to terms with) tips on how to balance your job while growing your business.

Do the bare minimum

I always give it to y’all straight, even though it might be frowned upon in society. Yes, you read the title header correctly and I seriously mean it. If your job is causing you to burn out, then you need to do the bare minimum and skate on by! Our hours as entrepreneurs (if you work a standard M-F, 9AM-5PM job) are weekends and weekdays 6PM-until. So if you don’t have the energy after work to work on what really matters, then you need to reevaluate. Who do you want to work for??? Yourself or another CEO? So do the bare minimum, where no one notices that you’re kind of sort of slacking. . . and then go home. It’s that simple!

Work while at work

Do you have any free time that you can use? Or can you create some free time by working quickly and efficiently? Take advantage of those valuable minutes throughout the day to get something done. Don’t stop yourself from starting a task because you think there won’t be enough time to complete it. Slow progress is better than no progress. At least if you start the task while at work, then it’s less for you to finish when you get home. Don’t point your nose down at 10 minutes. . . take advantage and utilize it effectively!

Make a sacrifice

If you can’t slack without your job noticing or your job is just THAT demanding, then you should look into another job that’s part time. You read that correctly, I said part time. This is a tip that I came across from Gary V and he’s absolutely right. The initial sacrifice is taking a possible pay cut however, the reward is gained time. You’ll have days where you can dedicate all of that time to working on your business! I only advise this tip for dedicated hard workers, though. If all you’re going to do on your day off is watch talk shows, then you need to stay your behind at the 9-5!

Tough it out

None of the four tips above work in your favor? Well I have a solution for you too! Stop complaining and tough it out! Ask yourself. . . how bad do you really want it? Maybe you aren’t cut out to be a business owner and should pursue it as a part time hobby instead. Listen to the stories of other successful entrepreneurs, who had to start from the bottom. They mention all the time about sleepless nights and the constant hustle. If they can do it, why can’t you?
In the end, we make finding our balance harder than it needs to be. We don’t want to come out of our comfort zones to do what’s in our business’s best interest. In this entrepreneurial life, everything that we do is a risk. All of these tips are risky decisions to make! At the end of the day. . . no one owes you anything and no one cares! – In my Gary V voice. So you have to do what’s best, even if it scares you initially. Time is money, so we have no time to waste! Every minute dedicated towards your business, is another step closer to your dream goals! What are some ways that you balance your job while growing your business? Spread the knowledge by letting me know in the comments. Please don’t forget to subscribe and we’ll talk again soon!

Until next time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Motivated!


Let’s be friends! 🙂

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