time management tips for entrepreneurs


Effective time management is crucial for first-time entrepreneurs. Why? Because they’re essentially responsible for every single aspect of building their brand and business. So here’s 5 time management tips that’ll boost your productivity and in return, bring you more free time throughout the day.


Set a schedule

Every Sunday, I create a schedule of things that need to get completed that week. This will include tedious tasks like website updates, following up on emails, meetings, gym sessions, appointments, grocery shopping, running errands etc. These tasks usually require me to write them down or set myself a reminder. Which leads me to my next point…


Write things down

Have you seen that Post-it note commercial? It’s true, when you write things down you’re more likely to do them. I personally write my “To Do” list in my phone and check the tasks off as I complete them. You’ll really feel like you’ve got it together once you see all your goals for the week are completed.



Don’t create a list of goals that you know you cannot complete. Who needs unnecessary stress and the feeling of being overwhelmed?


RELATED: 4 Quick Ways To Balance Your Job While Growing Your Business


Get in where you fit in

Every minute counts! Does your job offer two mini breaks and an hour lunch? Get something done within that time! It’s all about being productive and using your time wisely.


NOT today!

I live by this some days. There are days where you won’t be able to get your list done. That’s absolutely OK! Sometimes more important things come up and we have to complete them. In cases like this, I usually reschedule the task(s) for another day/week. Lastly…



Because nobody likes someone whose lazy!


I hope this short list has encouraged you to start adopting new time management skills into your everyday routine! If you have a time management tip, please tell me in the comments! I’d love to hear it and incorporate new time saving habits into my routine!

To stay connected, make sure to follow me on Instagram @MissAshleyAllison Twitter @MsAshleyAllison and Snapchat @MsAshleyAllison.

Until next time ASSASSINS… Stay Motivated!