6 Ways To Become A Productive Blogger

ways to become a productive blogger

I read in an article that being busy doesn’t mean you’re being productive. What a gem of a quote that was! A lot of us say that we’re so busy, but are we actually utilizing our time correctly? I know life as a content creator can be hectic, especially if you work a full time job. So I wanted to list some things that I personally do, to stay a productive blogger.


Read & Write Everyday

I know this is easier said than done, but you MUST try to read and write every single day. How do we become an expert on anything? When we continuously practice! If reading books aren’t your thing, then read other blogs that interest you. Don’t want to write an entire blog post? Fine, jot down a few sentences about your day or thoughts. Just make sure to read and something! Additionally, I find that when I jot down my thoughts and read, I get inspiration for blog topics. It’s a win-win. . . you’re constantly practicing, using your brain and gaining topics all at once!


Write In Bulk

Another task that could be difficult and time consuming at first, but will pay off in the long run! Lately I’ve been writing one blog post everyday and it’s been slowly adding up. In a few days, I will have enough content written to last me the entire month! Let’s be real. . . things come up that can prevent us from writing on a whim. So I needed to stop writing my posts the day before and start getting prepared. If you don’t have the time to write it all in one sitting, then slowly bang it out throughout the day! By writing in bits and pieces, you should have an entire post done before bedtime. Talk about being a productive blogger! 🙂


Use Templates

For my post title images, I use Canva.com and I absolutely love it! Save time and use one template for every title image on your blog. It takes me about 5 minutes to change the picture and update the text to match. We have to remember to work smarter not harder!


RELATED: 5 Things I’ve Learned From Starting A Blog


Shoot Your Looks In Bulk

This is really a time saver that makes me feel like a productive blogger! Pick a day that works for you and shoot your looks for the week all at once. Also, edit all your photos at once too. . . trust me, you’ll be happy in the end!


Create A To-Do List

I make lists for everything. . . I’m really a list queen! Start out by making a list of what you want to accomplish for that week. Then break that list down to the days you’re going to tackle each task. This way, you don’t feel overwhelmed like everything has to get done at once. If you need more tips on managing time, you should read my previous post 5 Tips To Help Manage Your Time.


Delegate & Automate

This goes without saying! Yes, we all want to be productive bloggers but we can’t do it all. This is the time to delegate your tasks to someone who can (it will be money well spent if you can’t get it for the free) and automate everything possible! Automation is time consuming in the beginning, but the return will benefit you significantly. I will talk about my favorite apps to automate my social media in an upcoming post!


As always, start slow and incorporate each section into your routine one day at a time! I hope these techniques help you to stay a consistent and productive blogger! What habits do you practice to stay productive? Let me know in the comments below and don’t forget to subscribe!


Until Next Time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Motivated!

Let’s be friends! 🙂

Make sure to follow me on Instagram @MissAshleyAllison Twitter @MsAshleyAllison Snapchat @MsAshleyAllison and don’t forget to subscribe to my Youtube Channel!