How to Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

get comfortable with being uncomfortable

Let me ask you a question. When was the last time you were comfortable being uncomfortable?

Last week I was talking to a close friend and we were discussing our businesses and what we plan to achieve down the road. I made a quick joke and soon enough that joke had my wheels turning. For the next two nights I could not get what I said out of my head. Initially, the joke was made in humor because I thought it was nowhere near achievable, right now anyway. BUT. . . why did I doubt myself in the first place? Who said I can’t do what I jokingly said? I knew right then that I let my fear of being uncomfortable cause me to doubt myself. Which was the PUNK thing to do! (and I ain’t no punk.)
Here’s the absolute truth, none of my achievements thus far have occurred while I was comfortable. I was either nervous, full of anxiety, scared, sad and any other emotion that would cause a person to feel completely uncomfortable. To name a few instances:

  • Moving away from my family to attend college. – I had never lived away from my family. . . ever!
  • Putting myself and my life on the internet. – If you don’t know what I mean, go to one of your favorite celebrities Instagram and read their comments. The internet can be cruel.
  • Investing any amounts of money for my businesses. – Risking money is always nerve wracking!
  • Starting this blog! was NOT in my plans but. . . here we are.
  • Sliding in the DM’s for Feature Friday guests. – Do you know how weird that is? Hi, my name is Ashley! Would you mind being featured on my blog??
  • Emailing an array of people asking for help. – No one ever wants to feel vulnerable.
  • Networking period. – It’s like. . . let me go up to the friendliest person I see and hope we have something in common! *awkward silence*
  • Trusting others to help with my businesses. – My businesses are my babies so giving away control can be quite difficult.

None of those things were easy for me, but I eventually worked through it. Achieving the results I wanted meant sacrifice, hard work and dedication WHILE feeling uncomfortable through it all.
You know that cliche meme where it says, “You’re not dreaming big enough if your dreams don’t scare you?” Well from my personal experience I’ve found that quote to be absolutely true. I am always immensely fearful and nervous right before my prayers are answered. It happens every. single. time. I never know what to expect and always feel like I’m not completely prepared. Truth is, “feeling prepared” is a way to indirectly stop us from executing. It’s an excuse for us to resort back to our comfort zone and punk out.

Growth is and always will be uncomfortable.

There are people who don’t like trying new things. I on the other hand try almost anything at least once. I embrace feeling uncomfortable and being in awkward situations. These experiences equal new opportunities which simultaneously leads to growth. Lately I’ve embraced when these situations present themselves to me. Why? Because practice makes perfect! If I don’t get used to being uncomfortable, then I can kiss entrepreneurship goodbye.

Related: Building a Fashion Empire: The Power of Being Told “NO”

Which is why I decided to pursue the “thing” that I jokingly told my friend. Sky’s the limit with our goals and dreams so why limit myself? As I told my Mom, I don’t know how I’m going to do it but I will. Up until now I haven’t had a road map or someone to tell me what steps to take and I’m completely fine! Actually. . . I’m the happiest I’ve ever been! Yes, it’s extremely scary taking leaps “blindfolded” and not knowing what the outcome will be. However, making it to the finish line is one of the greatest feelings ever!
So pursue the goals that scare the crap out of you because you never know what accomplishment will be waiting on the other side! Better yet, list your goals that scare you in the comments so I can hold you accountable with executing them! Also, don’t forget to subscribe!

Until next time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Disciplined!


Let’s be friends! 🙂

Follow me on Instagram @MissAshleyAllison Twitter @MsAshleyAllison and Snapchat @MsAshleyAllison.