4 Reasons Why Having Gratitude Will Transform Your Life

It’s so easy for us to live our lives being ungrateful. We oftentimes want things that we can’t have and quickly forget all that we do have to be grateful for. So many of us think that having more (especially money) will instill gratitude within us… but it doesn’t. The funny part is, having gratitude is a direct pathway to overall success. The problem is, most people base their happiness and gratitude off of achievement, when gratitude should be your only platform!
We have a bad habit of making our lives so much more difficult than it needs to be. While some things are out of our control, much of what occurs is based on our very own thoughts, emotions, decisions and behaviors. All of which are a direct response to our FOCUS/OUTLOOK on life. This is why it’s so important to be grateful no matter what… even during the hard times. While this all might sound weird, let me give you some insight on how gratitude will shift your life for the better.
You’ll be happier
Gratitude shifts your focus and gives you a new positive way of seeing things. You’ll go from living in a state of lack, to living in a state of fulfilled abundance. Once your focus shifts, you’ll see things in a positive light (even when issues arise). Every morning, take a few minutes to jot down the things you’re grateful for. Get deep too… grateful for the air I’m breathing right now, grateful for my health etc. Watch how your attitude and focus on life instantly changes.
Your faith will strengthen
Gratitude strengthens your faith by the very belief that you’re not alone. Whatever you’re going through, it will indeed pass and you’ll emerge victorious on the other end. You’ll become a better person that’s emphatic, accomplishes their goals and overcomes their obstacles. In result, you’ll begin searching for opportunities because you’ll know that what you have within yourself is enough.
RELATED: 6 Unconventional Things That I’m Grateful For
You’ll achieve goals easier
Gratitude helps you succeed because you’ll have a preset platform of internal success. You’ll already be happy, healthy with peace of mind, body and spirit. If you’re unhappy and dealing with your current state, it’s so much harder to push forward towards your goals. When you’re living in a state of gratitude, you can reach your goals without those negative aspects of distraction.
Your quality of life will improve
Gratitude can change your life by literally improving the quality of it. There’s stability in the notion of appreciating the importance of things within your life… no matter what. When you see all that you have to be grateful for, you’ll consciously live your life full of abundance and fulfillment.
Living a life of gratitude has allowed me to look at things differently with a new perspective. I no longer sweat the small stuff and check myself if I see that I’m reverting back to my old ways. Remain grateful, stay humble and enjoy all that life has to offer… it’s way too short not be thoroughly enjoyed.

Until next time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Disciplined!
Let’s be friends!
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