Why You Should (Sometimes) Work for Free to Get Ahead

Benefits of working for free
I know the title sounds crazy. . . that I’m advising free work to get ahead in the long run. To be honest, I was so against (and sometimes still am) working for free, as I felt it was a way for people to take advantage. After starting MissAshleyAllison.com, I realized that in the beginning all the work I did was for fun (AKA unpaid). I’ll get into more of that in a minute but the point is, my free work brought me the paid opportunities that I have now. So here’s why you should (sometimes) work for free to get ahead!
In whatever career field you’re in, I believe that sometimes free work is the way to go. For example, why would anyone want to work with you if there’s no proof in your skills? When we go on job interviews, our resume displays a proven track record. When brands reach out for partnerships, our media kit and blog show what we can offer!
As I stated earlier, when I started this blog I was without a doubt working for free (still am actually). I write about my favorite products because I love them THAT MUCH. I take photos and tag the brands because I love their pieces THAT MUCH. Companies receive free publicly from me and they don’t even have to ask. It’s all about sharing the things that I feel you all will love too! This is free work that I enjoy doing and if I didn’t do it, would I receive the paid partnerships I do now? I highly doubt it!

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So here’s three things you should consider before working for free:

Can you list the work/experience on your resume or media kit?

A prestigious internship with a company like Goldman Sachs will look amazeballs on a resume! Or for bloggers, working for free with a company like Lancome would be a great add to your media kit. Regardless of the company, if you can flaunt it where it matters most. . . then do the work! Part two is why. . .

Can it turn into a long-term relationship that’ll bring money in down the road?

We all know that it’s not about what you know, it’s who you know! If you’re going to gain crucial contacts through this experience then it can possibly turn into something that’s long-term. Once you begin to establish trust with those contacts, they’ll continue to come back because they know you’ll deliver quality content on time. This is when payment terms come into play. . . people do not mind paying someone that delivers high quality work!

Can it help you establish credibility within your field?

After you complete your work. . . will you be taken serious afterwards? Will this work experience bring you to the next level where people say, “Wow, I would pay her/him to do x, y and z for me.” If it’s going to be your foot in the door, consider it!
Working for free is a stressful decision to make. . . after all we need money to survive! However, sometimes it takes a short term sacrifice to gain a long term benefit. Don’t miss out on your blessings because they weren’t delivered in the “form” that you expected them to be! I just ask that you be considerate of the opportunities that are presented to you. . . because it could be your next stepping stone! Have you worked for free before (internships, blog reviews etc.)? Let me know your experience and outcome in the comments! Also, don’t forget to subscribe and we’ll chat soon!

Until next time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Disciplined!


Let’s be friends!

Follow me on Instagram @MissAshleyAllison Twitter @MsAshleyAllison and Snapchat @MsAshleyAllison.

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