The Ultimate Survival Guide for Post Graduates

ultimate survival guide for post graduates

Graduating college and becoming a “post graduate” can be a scary yet awkward time. . . or should I say 3-5 years. I remember when I graduated from college and was so excited to embark on my journey as a true adult! My plan was to move back home, start applying for positions that were in my field (use that expensive degree), make a ton of money and live my best life! Let’s just say that I was quickly brought down to reality. . . I was now an adult with real life issues. This story doesn’t end on a bad note though, I’m happy to tell you that things get better! Which is why I wish someone would’ve told me all the things that I’m about to tell you. So here’s your Ultimate Survival Guide as a Post Graduate. . . in 7 quick tips!

Do Not Panic

It’s very easy to start panicking when your plans aren’t unfolding the way you initially envisioned them to. Especially if you see your friends living what appears to be a better “adult life” than you. However, do not panic and stay focused on your own future goals. The biggest thing to understand here is that 99% of post graduates are in the same situation as you are! They’re just as confused and trying to maneuver through adult life too. So don’t get discouraged and definitely don’t compare your life to someone’s highlight reel on social media.

Attend As Many Interviews As Possible

I feel it’s really important for post grads to practice interviewing in real time because confidence and being comfortable is key! As you gain more experience, you’ll realize that talking a good game and playing up your skills is the easiest way to land a position. Of course, you need to be able to back up the things you say. . . so please don’t make promises that you cannot keep. Remember not to get discouraged if they respectfully decline; this is practice and should be viewed only as such!

Don’t Stress Landing Your Dream Career

I applied to so many companies when I graduated and the top two responses I received were, “You do not have enough experience” and “You’d be great in sales (retail).” It got so bad that I eventually went back to retail, making $7 an hour just so I could make some money! My anxiety levels were through the roof because I felt like I was moving backwards. However, I’m here to tell you that the dream career will come as you gain more experience, become wiser, network and most importantly, work twice as hard!

RELATED: Why You Should (Sometimes) Work for Free to Get Ahead


Job Hop

As you start to become more confident during interviews, are easily able to play up your skills and have worked hard (past bosses can be great professional references) I recommend you start to job hop. Us millennials get a lot of slack for job hopping but don’t listen to those people, this is how we get to the big bucks while seeing what fields we enjoy the most! It’s a great way to climb the salary ladder and network all while getting the necessary skills needed for your next career endeavor. My recommendation is to try and stay at one company for at least 6 months to 1 year before moving onto another. This way, your resume doesn’t appear to make you look like a serial job hopper that can leave at any moment lol.

Draft your goals and try to attempt them

It’s always good to have realistic goals. . . realistic being the keyword here! Keeping our goals in mind will always push us to want better and educate ourselves on how to attain our desires. As always, do not become discourage if you attempt a goal and it doesn’t work out how you expected. I’m sure you can see a pattern here that post grad life isn’t fresh flowers and berries lol. Remember, this is the awkward time where you learn, network and become a mature, professional adult.

Save your money!

Please do not let having a part-time job make you believe that it’s impossible to save your money! As I mentioned above, I worked a part-time retail job (making $7 hr) for 2 years and had absolutely no issue with saving money. I explain my methods for saving in this post Six Easy Ways Millennials Can Save More Money and even better, it’s targeted towards millennials like myself. I know we have our vices, so it needed to be easy ways that can have quick results and gratification.

Enjoy yourself

I know this is so cliche but seriously, enjoy your post graduate journey! It’s not going to be an easy time therefore, you need moments to let go and celebrate your accomplishments! Earning a degree isn’t easy and neither is post grad life. . . so try your best to enjoy it!
The biggest takeaway I want you gain from this is that things will get easier with time! We think we’re such adults once we graduate around 22 years old however, we don’t realize how naive we really are. Give yourself some years to matriculate through your various journeys and I promise that you’ll see results mid-late twenties! It sounds far away but if you set yourself up for success now, you’ll be amazed at what you’ve achieved when you’re older. Most importantly, the world is different when you aren’t around like-minded individuals who can see the same vision as you do. So make sure to stay connected and keep yourself surrounded by people who can show you support/vice versa while on the journey! Have some post graduate tips? Please let me know in the comments and don’t forget to subscribe!

Until next time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Disciplined!


Let’s be friends!

Follow me on Instagram @MissAshleyAllison Twitter @MsAshleyAllison and Snapchat @MsAshleyAllison.