3 Reasons Why You Should Reduce Distractions From Your Life

reduce distractions from your life

Today we live in a world where distractions are the forefront of our lives. Technology has made it very easy for us to escape from reality and send our minds elsewhere. We can access anything and anybody from our phones in a matter of seconds. However, we fail to see just how bad technology hurts us in terms of making decisions and staying focused. By simplifying our lives, we can decrease the number of decisions to make (AKA distractions) and maintain tunnel vision towards our goals. Here’s three reasons why you should reduce distractions from your life to increase overall happiness.

Fewer Choices = Higher Success Rate

I didn’t know decision fatigue existed until I took my SEO courses. My instructor taught me that giving people too many options with anything can cause them to get it. Once they get decision fatigue, it’s a high chance that the person will walk away instead of choosing or buying something. Therefore, giving a person little to no options typically results in a higher success rate.
This is the same for us in our daily lives. Have you ever thought about how many decisions we make in one day? It can become overly exhausting and have a negative effect on us, even if we don’t necessarily notice. When we reduce decision fatigue, we’re more likely to focus and attain our goals. Take Steve Jobs for example, he decided to wear the same thing everyday since it was one less thing to think about. If the wealthy are doing this, then we certainly need to as well!

No Distractions = Focused

Whenever I’m creating content, I need little to no distractions around me. That means, TV sound is extremely low or off and I’m in the zone by myself until the content is completely finished. This is similar to when we’re talking and loose our train of thought due to an interruption. With no distractions to deter you from the end goal, you’re more likely to reach it. However, the key is being able to push forward through the “noise.” Staying focused can become a healthy habit, where we will provide ourselves with the environment necessary (prior to starting our work).

RELATED: Stop Comparing Yourself to Others and Focus On You


Less Social Media = Better Mental Health

I’m sure this is obvious to most of us but sadly, we quickly forget once that notification pops up! It’s proven that cutting back on social media can instantly increase happiness. Additionally, less social networks means more interaction with the people around us. How many of us reach for our phones, just so we don’t have to speak to the stranger standing next to us? Only to go online and risk torturing ourselves, with lowered self-esteem and jealously. The less time we spend on social media, the more time we can appreciate the people and things around us.
In order to simplify our lives, we have to work on reducing the distractions and noise around us. Pay close attention to what your distractions are because they can be anything. . . like picking out clothes to wear. Once we’re aware of the noise, we can start eliminating it and in return make our lives easier. Start slowly and remember that every little bit counts! The more simplified our lives get, the quicker we can achieve our goals and attain everlasting happiness! What are some ways that you’ve simplified your life? Please let me know in the comments and don’t forget to subscribe!

Until next time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Disciplined!


Let’s be friends!

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