8 Simple Ways I Invest in Myself and How You Can Too

how to invest in yourself
We all know that the greatest thing we can do in life is invest in ourselves. It’s something we’ve heard a million times over and has been embedded in our brains. So instead of telling you why you should invest in yourself, I’ll explain how you can invest in yourself. Oftentimes, we get the word “investment” misconstrued… thinking that it means we need to spend money. There’s so many ways you can invest in yourself with little to no money spent!


Read a book, article, blog or whatever you can that’ll provide you with knowledge and value. Do you know how many gems are located within pages of a book? I’ve legit learned so much from reading books, researching articles and productively entertaining myself from reading blogs. I know that not everyone loves to read, so if you’re one of those people who can’t stand it then my next investment tip is for you!

Podcasts or Audio Books

Pick whichever one suits you best but podcasts and audio books are the ultimate productivity lifesaver! I can listen and be enlightened with new knowledge while working, cleaning, cooking, driving, working out etc. Even better, podcasts are free.99 so there’s no cash investment on your end. You can legit sit and listen to an experts thoughts and/or conversation which is mostly “live” in a sense where they aren’t censoring themselves. That’s a huge plus and gem within itself!


People really underestimate the power of writing! If you spend 5 minutes just writing down your thoughts for the day, you’ll feel so much better. Writing solves so much and teaches you along the way. Have something you need to get off your chest? Write it down but don’t send it. Have a blog? Write everyday and see how your writing becomes better month by month. Got goals you want to achieve? Write them down and watch how motivated you are to pursue them. Writing is so essential and crucial to our everyday lives; don’t underestimate it’s power!


Do you know that being surrounded by “things” can affect your entire mood? For instance, not having a clean desk when it’s time for you to work can greatly change your productivity. Or having too much laying around your bedroom can make your brain more alert rather than calm. When we de-clutter our lives, we create open space both physically and mentally!

RELATED: Three Reasons Why You Should Reduce Distractions for Increased Happiness



Delegating can be tough however, we can’t do it all nor should we expect to! If you’re not good at something, give it to someone who is. Don’t have enough time to finish your task? Delegate it to someone who can guarantee that the work will get done. Delegating tasks is an ultimate investment in our time and effectiveness! Sometimes we need to buy time and other days we need an expert to do what we don’t know how to.


We all know the benefits here… more so it’s about making the time rather than finding it. With all the options out there nowadays, it makes it relatively easy to workout anywhere at anytime. Of course you have gym memberships, workout apps, fitness DVDs and YouTube which is free.99! All those options have varying monetary investments however, most are fairly reasonable and low cost.

Relaxing and Sleeping

The term “sleeping when you die” is so ridiculous to me; we NEED to sleep and relax on a consistent regular basis. Getting 7 – 8 hours of sleep is absolutely crucial, spending time relaxing doing something you love (or nothing) is essential. We all need time off to unplug and recharge!

Limit Social Media

You know I had to put this here and I saved it for last on purpose! I know most of you will probably click out of this post and head straight to a social media platform lol. There are such negative effects when opening those apps; it’s so easy to think you’ve only been scrolling for 2 minutes when really it’s been 2 hours! On top of that, a majority of us intake content that’s not good for us in many ways more than one. Limiting the amount of time spent on social media improves productivity and our mental state.

BONUS: Coaching

As I said in a prior tip, sometimes I have to pay an expert to buy my time back. This is the same when I make investments in coaching sessions and/or educational programs. For instance, I wanted to learn everything possible and most up to date about Pinterest. So I spent $497 to take an online course that taught me all things Pinterest and so much more; well worth the investment! I also paid an SEO expert $1,500, to teach me all the important factors that I needed to optimize my site and rank in Google; another amazing investment! I love to research and teach myself new things however, there are times when it’s well worth it to pay an expert to teach me instead. Take time to understand your needs and whether you’ve exhausted all of your free resources!

Take your life to the next level

I see this all too often where women stop chasing their dreams due to fear of failure, judgement of others and life excuses. So I created my program to help women break free, gain their confidence, shift the mindset and start executing! If you’re ready to take your life to the next level, CLICK HERE to reserve your spot!


Until next time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Disciplined!


Let’s be friends!

Follow me on Instagram @MissAshleyAllison Twitter @MsAshleyAllison and Snapchat @MsAshleyAllison.