Stop Comparing Yourself to Others and Focus On You

stop comparing yourself to others

Comparing ourselves to others is something that comes unexpectedly and is quite unavoidable. This is especially true if you’re always scrolling on social media to see what others are doing and achieving. The crazy part is, comparison can occur from the most simplest thing! Like the amount of followers/likes someone has to the long length of someone else’s hair. Sure, unplugging from social media can help but your surroundings can easily re-trigger that comparison back. I’m sure most of us don’t purposely compare ourselves to others however, if we’re not more alert we can easily fall down the rabbit hole. So here’s a few reminders that I like to tell myself whenever comparison occurs.

  1. Social media is a highlight reel and 10% of someone’s life
  2. Stop comparing your beginning to someone else’s middle (They’ve been doing x, y, & z for 8+ years and you haven’t)
  3. Comparison is the thief of joy (no point in damaging your self-esteem)
  4. The only person you’re competing with is yourself
  5. There’s enough room for everyone to succeed
  6. If you’re good, work hard & stay consistent, you’ll be a success too

This is a short (but necessary) list of reminders that pop in my head every time I realize that I’m comparing myself to others. After I snap back into reality, I immediately do something that focuses on ME! That’s the biggest takeaway from this, is that we need to spend more time focusing on how we can better ourselves. The time we take comparing ourselves to others, is time that we can be using to become greater! If you work on becoming more in tune with your thoughts, you’ll know when to react and quickly get yourself back on track. Have you fallen into the comparison rabbit hole? Let me know in the comments what helps you and don’t forget to subscribe!

Until next time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Disciplined!


Let’s be friends!

Follow me on Instagram @MissAshleyAllison Twitter @MsAshleyAllison and Snapchat @MsAshleyAllison.