New Day Resolutions: Why Trying Again is Most Important

New Day Resolutions

Guest post written by: JB

A few weeks back, I was going to touch on the topic of New Year’s Resolutions. However, as I was writing the topic started to become trite and the angle I was taking not so much the topic. I think what I want to touch on is that trying again is more important than setting the resolution in the first place. Disregarding the statistics on New Years Resolutions, we can agree that they rarely make it far into your New Year. Feel free to share statistics that you find; lets be transparent about New Year’s Resolutions.

A New Year’s Resolution is a tradition, most common in the Western Hemisphere but also found in the Eastern Hemisphere. In which a person resolves to change an undesired trait or behavior, to accomplish a personal goal or otherwise improve their life – New Year’s Resolution. (n.d.). In Wikipedia (2018, January 17) Retrieved from In which case could be viewed as a positive or negative. I guess that is a question to ask, is my resolution even for me? I don’t want get off track from the premise of the article, which is trying again is more important than the resolution.

A resolution is great to have because through success and failure you should have a resolution. But you really won’t know, deeply, why you set the resolution if you don’t stumble through it. It’s okay to fail a few times and communicate to yourself that you will try again. Don’t view trying as a negative word, there is nothing wrong with trying as long as you’re doing.


Related: 3 Ways to Finish Off the Year Strong


The negative is when you say you’re trying and you’re not doing, that’s what happens to most resolutions. They die out because people stop trying and eventually sit back in the seat of their original ways. I’m sure there is someone out there who said they would limit, or even cease looking at social media this year, so they can transmute their focus towards XYZ. They’re reading this article right now like, damn. Maybe social media isn’t the thing I should give up, already making excuses instead of becoming persistent.

If you are struggling with your New Years resolution, keep trying. It’s February, it’s fresh, your mind is still aware of this resolution and it wants to attack this challenge but it needs your passion and determination to assist. New Year’s Resolution is just a prettier way of saying 365 days of trying. The object is to win the race not the checkpoint. Keep trying every second of every day until you no longer make excuses, only solutions.

– JB, Author


To stay connected with JB, follow him on Twiter @TheReal_JB. I hope you all enjoyed this post and have some takeaways from it! If you have any other topics that you would like JB’s perspective on, please let us know in the comments!


Until next time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Disciplined!


PREVIOUS: The Ugly Truth Behind Starting a Blog