3 Ways To Finish The Year Off Strong

ways to finish off year strong

Is it me or did this year go by extremely fast? With only two months left in 2017 (because whose counting September now?!) I’m on a mission to make sure I finish this year off strong!

2017 has consisted of minimizing and purging unnecessary people, things and bad habits. Although this wasn’t a goal of mine, I’m happy that it manifested into my everyday life! Essentially. . . if “it” doesn’t make me happy then “it” needs to go! ANYTHING THAT DOESN’T BRING HAPPINESS MUST GO!

In order for me to have a fresh start in 2018, I must finish what I’ve started! That means dedicating these last two months to completely cleaning up. So here are 3 things I’m doing to make sure 2017 ends on a productive and positive note!


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Get Rid Of “Stuff”

I’m a very organized person and my room never looks like a tornado hit it. Although everything has a designated spot, compiling too many things can turn into clutter. For example. . .  celebratory cards, gift bag goodies, fabrics, clothes, things of sentimental value and everything else in between that we end up collecting! Our rooms are supposed to be a place of relaxation where we can have a clear mind. My room right now is NOT that! So I’m purging it all. . . anything I do not use, wear or have a need for will either be donated or thrown out! It’s time to take my room back and stop collecting “stuff.”


Prioritize Myself

Gone are the days where I do things and go places out of guilty obligation. We’ve all been there. . . where you do something you don’t want to because your family member or friend made you feel guilty. Then that guilt somehow turns into a feeling of obligation; it’s manipulation at it’s finest! Prioritizing myself and my happiness first has lead me to saying NO and being absolutely fine with it. Why have I been dragging myself to do things and go places where I KNOW I don’t want to be? It’s so unnecessary and doesn’t bring me happiness therefore, it needs to go!


Revamp My Everyday Routine

I have a routine for everyday of the week and I stay pretty consistent with it. However, once I gained some new routinely habits, my old ones somehow took a backseat. It’s now been two months since I’ve stepped foot in my gym (good thing I still eat healthy) and I can’t remember the last time I studied Spanish. Despite that, my meal prepping and nighttime routine has gone down the drain! I need to reincorporate these good habits back into my daily life and stay consistent. I know these things are small, but when I do them I feel like I have my life together! Lol. Nonetheless, we can never invest too much into learning and taking care of our bodies!


With this plan in motion, I know these last two months of 2017 will be fantastic! What are some things that you plan to achieve before this year is up? Let me know in the comments and don’t forget to subscribe!

Until Next Time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Motivated!


Let’s be friends! 🙂

Make sure to follow me on Instagram @MissAshleyAllison Twitter @MsAshleyAllison Snapchat @MsAshleyAllison and don’t forget to subscribe to my Youtube Channel!