30 Years Of Bliss With Mellie King

mellie king

Happy Friday, my lovely ASSASSINS! Today’s feature post is very special to me because this woman is absolutely extraordinary! Her trials and tribulations should be pages in a book and words in a movie script. She’s strong and not scared of vulnerability for the betterment of women and men everywhere. I admire her because she shares her story so freely and confidently! Please allow me to introduce you to Mellie King!


Tell us why you started mellieking.com!

Well, I was coming out a season of where I was overcoming depression. I was going through some things and wanted to share with people how I went from being suicidal to being strengthened. People had their misconception of what was going on with me, so I wanted to clear a couple of rumors and let people know what it really was. As I shared my story, shared my heart and shared past history, people really became interested. They wanted to know more about my story and felt inspired to even talk about their own. People began inquiring with me on how could they share their testimonies. It was then that I realized me sharing my story wasn’t about me, it was about making other people comfortable in sharing theirs! So I created a platform called “Story Tuesday.” A place where individuals can be completely vulnerable about anything and everything. That was the beginning creation of mellieking.com.


Have you always been a writer or did the urge to write manifest throughout the years?

Now that I look back, growing up writing in my diary was always important to me. I always thought it was so cool to own a journal. I had an obsession with them and made my mom buy me a new one every time I filled one up. I always wrote, always wrote down my thoughts and always expressed my feelings on paper. Its always been my thing. So yea, I’ve been writing since I could write in full sentences honestly lol.

30 Years Of Bliss With Mellie King


I read that your recent birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN GIRL!!!!!) was a milestone you thought you’d never see. Can you give us some insight on what life was like in your early twenties?

Oh Gosh! You don’t want to know girl! Lol I was such a mess! I was the party girl that never had to wait in line to get in the club, never paid for a drink and always had some type of VIP access which didn’t make things any better. My younger brother became a popular rapper at the time and that’s when things really got out of hand. I was out every weekend, dating guys just because, threw away my morals, my values and lived life without a care in the world. I got involved with men that sold drugs, pimped prostitutes, got in trouble with the law constantly and put me in really dangerous situations where I could of possibly lost my life. I was trying to find my way I guess, and in doing that I became naive to what I thought love was and what “living life” meant. My early 20’s was such a lesson that I learned so much from. I’m just glad that I’m alive today to talk about it, because there were so many times where I for sure thought my life was going to end.


Looking back… were there warning signs that were missed as your journey began to go down a dark path? If so, what do you think they were?

Oh, but of course. Especially dealing with men. I thought my value was found in them and thought sex equaled love. I bypassed so many signs and kept trolling through like i was untouchable. From being physically and verbally abused, to having police questioning me about peoples whereabouts. I mean the signs were there, I just had this crazy mentality of being a “RIDE OR DIE CHICK.” It’s crazy because God gave me so many opportunities to come back to Him and I kept ignoring it; yet He still kept me safe and covered. I ignored him and he still chased and chose me. But I guess when you’re called to do the work of God, He won’t stop until you’re fully His.

30 Years Of Bliss With Mellie King


What was the pivotal moment in your life where you realized things needed to change for the better?

Honestly, there was never a pivotal point. I really believe that I partied myself out and the club scene, drinking, being a ride a die, being the “it” girl got real played out. I still felt empty and with that I slowly but surely distanced myself from that lifestyle. . . and it just faded away. I began attending church again, started serving and really just letting God have control of my life. Now although I was going to church, that didn’t mean my old ways were gone. I still struggled with lust and sex. But slowly and surely God did and is still doing something new in me every day. It isn’t easy and still till this day my vices and addictions can get the best of me, but I’m so hopeful and so much stronger than what I use to be. I’m so proud of myself because I can see and feel the growth in me and I’m convinced that The Best Is Yet To Come 🙂


What advice would you give to someone whose struggling emotionally?

Don’t fight it.

Life is all about going through ups and downs. When we’re in the season of the good, we seem to embrace it so well and accept it. When the bad times come, we kind of want to reject it and pray it away fast. Which is completely normal, but I believe in the same way we accept the good, we have to learn to accept the bad as well. The process during the pain is what matures you, it’s what grows you and makes you stronger. The only way you can gain from it is when you go through it. So don’t fight trials, don’t fight the struggle, be one with it so that in the end you’ll come out fearless.

30 Years Of Bliss With Mellie King


I see you created a 31 Day Self Healing Journal Challenge. Can you please tell us why this challenge was important for you to create?

The She Heals Challenge was something that my blog sister and I created together. She came to me with the idea and I was super hype because I had the same concept in mind. Together we both came up with questions that challenged women to be emotional, vulnerable and open. It was such an important project for me because I wanted women to know that there is healing and freedom in vulnerability. There are so many areas in our lives as women that we don’t even bother to touch; because we’re too busy dealing with what’s on the surface. People expect women to always be strong, especially black women. So we wanted this challenge to break the women down to build her back up. What’s so crazy about it is, I even broke down participating in the journal challenge. It really made you dig deep and tap into emotions, that as women we try so hard to suppress. Every person that participated in the She Heals Challenge said the same thing, “I needed this” and that was the main purpose for it.


Let’s switch gears… you started a YouTube Channel! What video topics can we look forward to on your channel?

Yes, my youtube channel. I haven’t been filming lately since the death of my little cousins, but I have so much in store for my channel. My direction right now is to show people that Christians struggle just like anyone else, if not worst. People have this notion that people who love Jesus are always happy, don’t get angry and don’t go through real stuff and we do. With makeup tutorials, Girl Chats, Vlogs, and faith talk I want to bring people into the world of what a modern Christian woman’s life looks like.

30 Years Of Bliss With Mellie King


Now that you’ve started your YouTube channel, do you find it hard to still create content on MellieKing.com?

I honestly find it way harder to create content for my channel than my blog. It’s way much easier to write than to sit in front of a camera and talk. But I’m working on it lol.


Mellie, you have come such a long way and I’m so thankful that you’ve shared your story with us! What can we expect from you in the future?

The future looks bright, honestly. I’m working on becoming one of the top paid bloggers, my “Heal Here” journal line, merchandise and getting ready to publish my book in 2018. Plus so much more! I’m excited because I just turned 30 and it seems like things are looking up for me, despite being in a bit of an uncomfortable situation. The best is yet to come for me 🙂


Anything else that you would like for us to know?

I just want to leave everyone with this quote “Every wound needs AIR in order to heal properly” you can still be soft while remaining strong.


To stay connected with Mellie, please make sure to subscribe to her blog MellieKing.com! Also, don’t forget to follow her on Instagram @MellieKing and Twitter @MelliePink I hope you all enjoyed this week’s Feature Friday post and we’ll speak on Tuesday!

Until next time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Motivated!


PREVIOUS FEATURE FRIDAY: Meet Girly And Curly Janee Barbre