6 Mindset Shifts That Have Drastically Changed My Life and Will Change Yours Too

Focusing on your personal development is the best investment you’ll ever make. It gives you the opportunity to grow and reach new heights each and every day. The highest purpose of all is shifting your mindset to align with the plans you have yet to achieve. Our success can only go as far as our mindset. So here’s six mindset shifts that changed my life and will change yours too!
Speaking good things into existence
Being intentional with the things you say and believing them is the best way to create your future. It’s a little robotic at first as you’ll begin correcting yourself every time you say something negative. Additionally, you’ll say things that you may not fully believe in the beginning. As you continue to speak good things into existence, I guarantee it’ll flow naturally and you’ll wholeheartedly start to believe. This is when you’ll start noticing your life begin to change and the things you always spoke about start to manifest.
Being clear and precise on what you want
A lot of people set generalized goals and receive generalized outcomes. Last year, I got specific on my goals and realized that I should’ve been doing that all along. Getting precise and specific on the goals you want to achieve is key. Not only that, it’s your road map on the steps you need to take in order to reach it. I challenge you to become clear and precise on what you want. Write it down and place your intentions in a spot where you can view them daily. You’ll indirectly begin to work towards those goals and achieve them.
Celebrate the process
A lot of times, we downplay ourselves because we’re not yet at the end result we want to be. For example, your end goal may be to own a successful online business. However, you currently have your online business launched and have customers slowly trickling in. It’s understandable to want more customers and be at your end result goal. The point here is, appreciate how far you’ve come from turning an idea to reality. Celebrate the process and give yourself props on making it thus far. This is with ANY progress in your life, not just business related. When you celebrate the “small wins” you send out gratefulness into the atmosphere and receive it in return.

Focus on what you’re good at
In life we all have to do things that we aren’t good at and downright don’t feel like doing. However, it’s important to do less of those things and more of what you’re good at/fulfills you. When you accept that you don’t have to be good at everything, your life will drastically change. There will be no added stress or pressure to get it perfectly right, since you’ve already accepted that it’s something you aren’t an expert with.
Embrace discipline
None of us are motivated all of the time, which is why you need to embrace being disciplined. With no discipline in place, things can quickly fall between the cracks. It’s imperative to improve for all aspects of your life. I personally like to get the most difficult things done first and out of the way. Then I can focus on the tasks that come naturally and don’t require that “motivational push.”
See the big picture & break it down
Oftentimes, we only see the big picture of what we want to achieve and in result, make ourselves severely overwhelmed. You cannot tackle everything at once, so break it down into smaller tasks. Take baby steps everyday to move an inch closer to your desired outcome. In the end, you will see just how much impact those little steps had.
I hope this post helps you to take a look at things differently and establish a better mindset. Doing these things drastically changed my life for the better and I know that if you implement them, they will change yours too!
Until next time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Disciplined!
Let’s be friends!
Follow me on Instagram @MissAshleyAllison Twitter @MsAshleyAllison and Snapchat @MsAshleyAllison.
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