Why Everyone Needs a Creative Outlet and How to Find Yours

Why Everyone Should Have a Creative Outlet and How to Find Yours

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Creativity is a huge part of being human. It’s the creative urge that drives us to combine fridge leftovers into unorthodox meals that somehow work. Creativity is to blame for every out of tune shower singer and every single picture a child draws. But the best thing about creativity is that no matter what your urge produces, it is the process that brings you joy. 

Having a creative outlet is a really important part of life; this is the best way to celebrate the process over the product and allow yourself to explore new ideas. Every art form is about expressing something that can’t be understood in language alone.

Finding Your Outlet

Finding a creative outlet is all about exploring new things. Most people will have an inkling about what they would like to do and there are plenty of courses and groups that meet up to pursue a creative outlet together. 

An important thing to note here is that you don’t have to be “artsy” to be creative and you don’t have to “make a thing,” either. Creativity is about expression so drama, dance, writing fiction, cooking recipes, rearranging your living room and even solving a puzzle, like an escape room, can stretch those creative muscles. 

Learning New Skills

One of the best things about creativity is that it’s all about learning. Kids play because they are experimenting with the world around them and they are learning to express themselves in a healthy way. There’s absolutely no reason that adults can’t do this too but if building a fort in the lounge isn’t doing it for you, you might like to add a little more structure. 

Music is a great example here. Whether you love to play an instrument or you are more of a listener, the more you understand about the form of music, the more you are likely to enjoy and explore the form. Looking at music theory might be the bane of every musician’s life but just as sentences can be built into novels, music theory is the building blocks for great music. If you want a start, look at this article: Music Theory Online What Should You Know?

Playfulness is Important

Adult life often demands a serious approach. Unlike the playground, you can’t laugh and joke all the time or turn your tie into a lasso. But this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t prioritize fun and creativity as a grown-up. It just means that you need to make time for it. 

Creativity and play are brilliant for engaging the brain – that’s why a boring meeting often leads to very boring results and why so many companies are making offices more relaxed. Understanding that play opens up your mind and allows more creativity to flow will honestly change your life. 

Everyone needs a creative outlet to let off steam, fulfill a very human urge to express themselves and engage their problem-solving skills. Whatever you do, don’t let your creativity fall by the wayside – this is the best part of being human.

Until next time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Disciplined!

Let’s be friends!

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