Want to Achieve More? Surround Yourself with the Right People

Want to Achieve More? Surround Yourself with the Right People

Surrounding myself with the right people has been imperative to my achievements thus far. This is not just with my businesses, but life in general. Let’s be honest here… life is hard and it’s so easy to make it harder than it needs to be. By surrounding myself with the right people, I’ve gained “shortcuts” and knowledge on an array of things. I’m a true believer in getting a few mentors that specialize in various topics which you’re currently exploring. Why make the same mistakes when there’s a road map already printed out to help you avoid it? If you want to achieve more, you have to surround yourself with the right people! Here’s some tips on how to apply this advice to your own life.

Find People Who Are Smarter Than You

If you are always the smartest person in the room, then you have a major problem! I know as entrepreneurs and business people, we tend to research a lot and therefore, can speak upon a ton of different topics. However, being the smartest person all the time means you’re severely limiting your personal development. The saying is true, that you’re the average of the five people you spend most of your time with. Although a lot of people think this is untrue, they vastly underestimate just how much they’re unconsciously taking on the habits of their inner circle.

Your circle needs to be collectively filled with people who are where you want to be, on the same journey as you, holds the same values that you do, challenges/pushes you to do better etc. This is key because oftentimes, we don’t know what we’re capable of until we see someone else achieve it. Additionally, surrounding yourself with smarter people will directly (and indirectly) teach you new things. You’ll learn lessons that others may have to pay for and habits that can make a huge positive impact on your life. So how do you find people that are smarter than you? Let’s go into the next point!

Get a Few Mentors

We all need mentors… whether you’re an entrepreneur or not! Getting great mentors is easy to do, it just requires some time and to open your eyes. If you’re an entrepreneur, I suggest you visit sba.gov and navigate to the mentor section. They have thousands of people that specialize in various topics and you can even search for mentors within your city. Don’t panic if none are within your mile radius, that’s what the telephone and Skype are for!

Another way to find great mentors is to rethink the people around you. I realized that my boss was mentoring me on career and life lessons. So who are the people surrounding you that you’re overlooking? This can be your teacher, professor, boss, colleague, friend, family member, friend of a friend etc. Utilize your network and don’t be afraid to reach out to people! Also, let the relationship build up on its own… as mentors oftentimes pick their mentees unconsciously.

You can also pay to play! There’s thousands conferences occurring every year where like minded people gather into one room and network. I’m a firm believer in paying to get into rooms if it means being surrounded by the right people. Attending conferences is a win-win, because you can leave there with a mentor and a new circle of people that are on the same journey as you!

Lastly, utilize the internet and social media. You probably spend lots of time on there anyway, so make it work for you! Join Facebook groups, comment under photos, join in on Twitter chats and get in the discussion. You’ll be surprised how easy it is, to cultivate relationships online where it feels like you’ve known this person forever! It’ll be easy to connect with them on a regular basis and maybe one day plan to meet in person.

RELATED: How to Achieve Your Goals (It’s Easier Than You Think)

Watch What the Successful Do

Some people can’t or don’t like attending conferences, while others are shy and have a hard time reaching out. If this is you, simply cultivate the relationship in your head and watch what the successful do. Go onto their social media and consume their various forms of content. Oftentimes, they’re giving out information and knowledge for free! Sign up for their email newsletters and consider taking any digital courses they have. Even better, if you can afford it, see if they offer 1 on 1 consulting! Read their books, listen to their podcasts and watch their videos. This is the next best thing if you can’t get in the game, then watch it!

Get Rid of Negative Nancy’s

Before you do any of the above, I highly advise that you get rid of the negative Nancy’s in your life. Everyone knows that one person whose always in some drama or has something negative to say for everything. Get rid of those people or severely limit your time with them! Do not share any of your ideas, goals, current journey etc. with them because they’ll find a way to discourage you and make you stop. Life is hard enough with all of the trials and tribulations we endure. You do not need someone that’s going to fill your head with fears, doubts and negativity. Create positive relationships where your circle challenges you to do better and gives you the energy to move forward!

We all know that the best way to improve on something, is to find someone else that’s better at it than we are. View this as your coach whose teaching you how to swim, run track or play basketball. This is the same mindset you need in life and business. If you want to achieve more in life, you have to surround yourself with the right people!

Until next time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Disciplined!

Let’s be friends!

Follow me on Instagram @MissAshleyAllison Twitter @MsAshleyAllison and Pinterest @MsAshleyAllison.

Want to Achieve More? Surround Yourself with the Right People
Want to Achieve More? Surround Yourself with the Right People