Why Creating a Strong Morning Routine Will Make You More Productive

Creating a strong morning routine for yourself is essential to your success. It’ll help you become productive and take control of your day! You’ll wake up every morning in a state of mindfulness and be more intentional of the tasks that need to get done for the day. Here’s the benefits of establishing a strong morning routine!

It Sets the Tone for Your Day

How you wake up everyday, dramatically sets the tone for the remainder of the day. Ever heard the saying, “someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today!” That’s no coincidence that just popped up out of nowhere; it’s absolutely true! How do you think your day will go if you hit snooze 8 times, wake up late, roll out of bed, scramble to get dressed, grab a coffee/water/tea and quickly run out of the door? I’m pretty sure the remainder of your day will be just as chaotic and unorganized!

It’s really important to develop a strong morning routine that’ll better allow you to control your schedule, rather than letting your schedule control you! As we start our days on the right tone, we can focus on where to prioritize our time and focus on our tasks at hand. In return, it’ll get you on the right path, increase productivity and put you in a great, positive space. Productivity isn’t just about how much we get done, it’s also about how much focus and level of quality we’re giving to our tasks. So if you go into your day with the right tone and a positive mood, you’re sure to have a great day!

You’re More Inclined to Make Healthier Choices

When you have a strong morning routine, you’re more inclined to make healthier choices throughout the day. With the right tone set in place and a plan of action, you’ll definitely make decisions that are within your best interest. You can choose to mediate, read, workout or another form of self-care that’ll benefit you and your overall health. Additionally, in the morning our bodies have a spike of cortisol. Therefore, it’s best to get your hardest energy consuming tasks (like working out) out of the way first. Waiting to postpone difficult tasks until later in the day can be a hit or miss on whether they get productively and effectively done.

For instance, if you dread going to gym then the best thing you can do is go in the morning and workout for 45 minutes. After your workout, you’ll choose foods that are healthy and aligned with your overall fitness goals. Additionally, working out in the morning, even if it’s only for 20 minutes, can make all the difference with your health. Studies show that working out in the morning for just 20 minutes can aid in weight loss, reduce chronic disease, improve sleep habits and your self esteem.

Time Specifically for You

You’re completely in charge of your morning routine therefore, you can set aside time specifically for you. Take advantage of your high energy and utilize it for “you time” before the day gets hectic. This is very beneficial for business owners and/or parents, as you can focus on yourself before having to transition your attention to the business, kids and everything else. A great way to utilize your “me time” is by doing something that you love to do! For example, I like to say my prayers, read my affirmations and write in my gratitude journal. It only takes me 10 minutes to do these things and I feel so much better after doing them.

Eliminates Stress and Overwhelm

Constantly rushing and being behind, can quickly cause stress and overwhelm. Stress can take a toll on you emotionally, physically and outwardly within your relationships. A strong morning routine can easily eliminate stress and overwhelm because you’re consistently practicing mindfulness. The minute you wake up, you’ve already made the conscious decision to take control of your day. You know the tasks that need to get done, the time you’ll dedicate to them and how they’ll get completed. When you pre-plan and get ahead of the curve, you’ll keep control of the day and stay productive.

Streamlines Your Bedtime Routine

Morning routines are so much easier when you have a streamlined bedtime routine. I personally start by doing my nighttime skincare routine first and then move onto everything else. Now is the time to pack your lunch, pick out your clothes and create your to do list for the next day. Additionally, it’s important to get some self-care in before bedtime, so I personally love to read for 30 minutes before going to sleep. You should definitely take time for yourself at night just as you do in the morning.

After your self-care time, unplug all electronics that can possibly disrupt your sleep or prevent you from falling asleep. The biggest electronic is your cell phone; turn it on do not disturb or utilize the bedtime feature (for iPhone users). I love that feature because it reminds me 30 minutes prior of my bedtime. Also, anyone that calls or texts during sleep mode, will be muted so I’m not woken up throughout the night. In the morning, the alarm gradually wakes me up instead of a blaring sound that typically scares me out of my sleep abruptly. When you have a productive nighttime routine, you’re laying down the groundwork for a wonderful morning routine!

Take Your Time

A lot of people think they need to be a morning person in order to have an effective morning routine; this is simply not true. How you design your routines is completely up to you! I advise you to create one that’s doable for your lifestyle and can be completed consistently. This is also not to say that your routines won’t be tough to implement in the beginning. For me, I decided to utilize 2 hours in the morning that I was wasting at night. I’m not a morning person, so it took me a few weeks to get in the habit of going to bed earlier so I could wake up earlier. Don’t be too hard on yourself in the beginning and try your best to stay consistent for at least 21 days until it becomes habit.

Until next time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Disciplined!

Let’s be friends!

Follow me on Instagram @MissAshleyAllison Twitter @MsAshleyAllison and Pinterest @MsAshleyAllison.