How to Make Your Skills Work for Your Passion Project

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It’s a digital age, and it’s brought with it a lot of comparisons and sometimes, added negativity. Many find themselves comparing their lifestyle to what they see and read online, and it can often have a detrimental effect on self esteem and confidence. However, there are also plenty of positives to the internet, and what it can bring. You have access to a plethora of information, advice, and people that can all enrich your life. Therefore, maybe it’s time to shift your focus away from what everyone else is doing in their Instagram stories. Instead, work out how you can make the most of all those potential opportunities and build an audience for yourself.
If you have some serious skills that you feel aren’t being utilized, then there’s no better time to begin showing them off during your free moments. Whether it’s photography, writing, ceramics, or singing (the list is endless by the way), it’s time to do it more often. Star by showing people online and see what may come from it. Getting your side hustle going can bring all sorts of new opportunities, and doing more of what you love will always be a positive thing in your life anyway. Therefore, it’s a win-win. The top two tips below are inspiration for the future bosses out there, who are ready to make the most of their passion and skills.
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Equip Yourself
Whatever your current budget might be, you’ll need to invest into what it is that you want to achieve. So think about allocating some time, energy, and potentially, cash towards your passion project. You might need new equipment, tech, software, or materials. Therefore, it’s worth having a business plan in mind so that you can work out how you’ll make back your initial investment.
It might be worth checking out sites like GetCash so that you can invest and get started quickly. Additionally, get an idea of what you’ll be earning so you can pay things back and ultimately profit. If you’re doing something that can be flexible, it’s worth ensuring that your tools are with you at all times. For example, writers will need their laptop or notebook on hand, so they can use their lunch breaks at work effectively to get things done. Equipping yourself before you leave your home each day will ensure that you’re productive whenever inspiration strikes. So make a habit of staying ready!
Promote Yourself
People often enjoy independent and individual businesses because of their individuality and story. Therefore, get yourself online and across the various social media platforms as soon as you begin working on what you love. Sharing your journey will allow your audience to appreciate what you’ve been doing, and grow to follow you as an individual. Therefore, once you’ve thought of the right name, and perhaps a consistent image or logo to use, get social and promote yourself and your work as much as you can. Who knows where it all might lead?
Until next time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Disciplined!
Let’s be friends!
Follow me on Instagram @MissAshleyAllison Twitter @MsAshleyAllison and Snapchat @MsAshleyAllison.
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