6 Easy Ways to Live Outside of Your Comfort Zone

6 Easy Ways to Live Outside of Your Comfort Zone

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “nothing great ever comes from being within your comfort zone.” That saying is so true as much of my success has been from taking action on things that have absolutely scared the crap out of me. I’ve been presented with amazing opportunities, generated passive income and met new people all from outside of my comfort zone! If I hadn’t taken those chances and stepped out, I for sure wouldn’t be where I am today. So I want to share with you 6 easy ways to live outside of your comfort zone and begin truly living!

Switch Up Your Daily Routine

Most of us get into a daily routine where we wake up the same time everyday, take the same route to work, finish working, get home, eat dinner, watch TV and go to bed. Only to do the same daily routine for 4 more days until the weekend arises. We’ll do this same routine for days, weeks, months and years… until it all becomes one big blur. Try adding something new into your daily routine to switch things up and make it not so repetitive. It doesn’t need to be anything big or extravagant either! This can be simple like taking the scenic route home from work or replacing TV with reading a book. It’s great to not live the same day twice; try breaking up the repetitiveness and add some fresh new elements!

Start Before You’re Ready

Have something you’ve always been wanting to do but don’t feel like you’re ready? I’m here to tell you that you need to take action on it now and start before you’re ready! When opportunity arises, it’s not always at the “perfect time” to accommodate our lives. The truth is, there’s no such thing as the perfect time and quite frankly, waiting for perfection equals procrastination. Go ahead and move forward despite not feeling like you’re 100% ready!

Don’t Be Afraid to Fail

Not being afraid to fail is easier said than done however, I always say that failure hasn’t occurred until you make the decision to stop entirely. Knowing this, you should never allow fear of failure to stop you from trying! Making mistakes is all apart of the process and the more mistakes we make, the closer we get to success. So don’t waste precious time sitting around thinking “what if,” instead embrace your fears but move forward anyway.

RELATED: How to Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

Do Something that Scares You Everyday

Doing something everyday that scares you is a great way to live life outside of your comfort zone. When you do things that scare you, it leaves massive room for growth and new experiences. It doesn’t need to be anything like sky diving (although I have that on my list), it can be simple things like going to an event by yourself, traveling solo, striking up conversation with a stranger etc. To keep track, you should write the one thing you’ve done that scared you but you did it anyway!

Put Your Phone Down

We’re so dependent upon our phones and it’s because they give us a sense of comfort. They bring us “companionship” when we’re alone while running errands or grabbing a bite to eat. However, think about all the things in real time that you’re missing out on because you’re dependent on your phone! When going out, try to put your phone down and instead interact with the people, places and things around you. You’ll never know what new interactions and experiences that’ll come your way when you do!

Embrace Discomfort

Embracing discomfort is a difficult thing to do because it brings us fear of the unknown. However, when you learn to fight through those urges of running back to your comfort zone, you’ll begin to feel comfortable being uncomfortable. With anything in life, the more we do something the better we’ll become at it. If you continue to work on expanding your horizons through discomfort, you’ll learn and grow so much more than you ever would within your comfort zone.

I hope these 6 tips gave you some insight on how you can begin living outside of your comfort zone! Have some more easy ways that weren’t listed? Let me know in the comments below!

Until next time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Disciplined!

Let’s be friends!

Follow me on Instagram @MissAshleyAllison Twitter @MsAshleyAllison and Pinterest @MsAshleyAllison.

6 Easy Ways to Live Outside of Your Comfort Zone
6 Easy Ways to Live Outside of Your Comfort Zone