5 Things You Need to Stop Doing to Make Your Life Less Complicated

Five things you need to stop doing to make your life less complicated

I’m sure you can remember a time when you made something way more complicated than it needed to be. This is something we’ve all done in life where our mind takes over and sends us into a whirlwind of chaos. Life really isn’t that complicated however, we often make it that way with our lifestyle habits and decisions. The good news is, we also have the ability to simplify it by implementing small changes into our everyday lives. So here’s 5 things you need to stop doing to make your life less complicated!

Thinking About the Past

Here’s a short piece of honest advice. . . the past happened, now move on. Contemplating how things played out in the past is nothing but a waste of time! The best thing we can do is focus on our present and effectively utilize it for our future. We can’t change what happened 5 minutes ago, nor can we predict the future but what we can do is take control of the present. So put forth your energy in making good decisions in the present and forget the rest that’s simply out of your hands!


Procrastination can easily make our lives more complicated; as you’re now under pressure and attempting to get the task done in little time. Furthermore, it’s a high chance that the end result will be less than 100% due to lack of time and quick effort. Now let’s relate that to sticking with the schedule, completing the task with more than enough time and the end result being absolutely amazing. Just pivoting those few things can make our lives more simplified while bringing us top results. The way to combat procrastination is starting before you give yourself time to mentally talk yourself out of it.

RELATED: Overthinking and Perfectionism: How it’s Holding You Back from Greatness


Having Harsh Deadlines

Strategic planning and setting a goal date is great motivation to get things done! However, setting harsh deadlines where it’s the end all be all isn’t going to do anything but make your life harder. Understanding that life is unpredictable and goals oftentimes get pushed back is something we all need to accept. Just because you didn’t make that goal deadline, doesn’t mean you can’t or won’t make it ever. To prevent putting unnecessary pressure on yourself, it’s best to work towards the goal while acknowledging that circumstances can change.

Constant Perfectionism

Perfectionism is one thing that can not only over complicate our lives but hinder us too. Awaiting for the perfect time or trying to make something perfect is simply unrealistic. You’ll add more stress to your life by trying to attain the unattainable. Instead, accept that everything you do is a learning experience and you can only become better from here. By shifting your mindset into an educational one, you won’t be so hard on yourself to attain perfectionism.

Over Committing

For most of us, it’s quite difficult to tell someone (especially a close family member or friend) no. Agreeing to things that you don’t feel like doing or have no interest in, is an instant added level of stress. There’s no need for us to put ourselves in places or situations that we simply do not want to be. Nor does it make sense for us to agree to do something that doesn’t strike our interest. Saying no is absolutely fine! It’s OK to think about yourself and live your life doing the things you like to do.

What are some other daily habits and/or decisions that you can change to make your life less complicated? Let me know in the comments and don’t forget to subscribe!


Until next time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Disciplined!


Let’s be friends!

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