How Your Pain and Trauma Can Positively Impact Your Life

How Your Pain and Trauma Can Positively Impact Your Life

We’ve all encountered pain and trauma within our lives. Regardless if it’s minor or major trauma, it definitely cause an impact that changes us forever. Although dealing with pain and trauma isn’t something that anyone wants to go through, there’s a positive result that can come from it. I know it’s difficult to see the good in bad at that moment, but trust me it’s there. Here’s a few ways your pain and trauma can positively impact your life.

It Makes You Stronger & Wiser

I have a reminder notification that pops up on my phone everyday. It says, “I can’t control what happens to me, but I can control how I respond to it.” When painful and traumatic events occur to us, we have the decision making power on how to react to it. We can choose to self destruct and go into a black hole, or use the situation to become stronger and wiser.

Whatever painful and traumatic experience you’re currently dealing with, know that you’re a survivor and not alone. You give up your power when you allow a negative experience (be that a person, event, place etc.) to change you negatively. A common saying is, “hurt people hurt people” and you don’t want to become so guarded, that you end up hurting others in your lifetime. I know it’s easier said than done, but these experiences are life lessons to make us become better individuals… if we CHOOSE to!

The great thing about living is, we have the decision making power to take our experiences and learn from them. Become a better person after your traumatic painful event. Become the leader within your community to teach others how to avoid what you’ve dealt with. Become more than just a survivor… be the positive influence among others.

It Can Positively Shift Your Mindset

The moment you make the conscious decision to see the positive in your bad experiences, is when your mindset completely shifts. You’ve now transformed from “life happens to me” to “life happens for me.” You realize that people come into your life that hurt you and although it’s completely awful, they’re there to serve you. The traumatic experiences and pain that others cause you, are there to help you become the great person that you’re meant to be.

Think about how your perspective will change once your mindset shifts. You’ll no longer live in that negative emotional space and instead, see not only the pain that was caused but the good too. Yes, even though someone might’ve caused you trauma, you also have to acknowledge the good that it created within your life. Without that painful experience, you wouldn’t be the better person you are today. Always remember to keep the mindset that life isn’t happening to you, it’s happening for you!

It Pushes You to Create a New Future

Creating your new future occurs once your mindset begins to shift. You’ve experienced and learned something so powerful, that’ll be part of your story for the rest of your life. That very lesson is how we continue to learn ourselves… what we like/dislike, what we’ll tolerate/not tolerate and red flags that we overlooked. The things that you might’ve let slide by may be non negotiable now. All of these things will greatly impact your future for the better because now you know exactly what to look for and to take action on things that simply don’t feel right. Understand how phenomenal this is for you and your future!

It Makes You Become More Grateful

One day down the line you will become grateful for your painful and traumatic experiences. I know you can’t quite see or understand now but trust me, it’ll happen. One day in the future, something wonderful will happen for you. It’ll be at that very moment where you realize it wouldn’t have come to fruition, had you not suffered that earlier tragedy in the first place. This is where being grateful and living life everyday full of gratitude comes in. You’ll quickly become more grateful and understand that with every trying time, something wonderful is born. It’s a renewal of your spirit, a renewal of you as a person and the belief that greater things are to come!

It Makes You a Better Person

It’s hard to become a better person overall when you haven’t really suffered through major painful and traumatic experiences. You’re now able to be more than just sympathetic towards people but empathetic. Empathy happens when you can truly relate to an experience that someone else has lived through. That’s ridiculously powerful within itself! Suffering through a big tragedy oftentimes forces us to become our most authentic selves. That’s where authenticity and transparency comes into play! You become a better person that’s real and doesn’t let their tragic times define who they really are. Now that’s reclaiming your power!

If you’re suffering through a painful and traumatic time right now, my heart goes out to you! Please understand that there’s a reason why those things have happened. You may not see it today, but all things good and bad are designed to happen for our betterment! As I read in a quote, “He could turn a mess into a message, a test into a testimony, a trial into a triumph and a victim into a victory!” Know that tough times don’t last, tough people do and you’ll become a better person because of it!

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Until next time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Disciplined!

Let’s be friends!

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