7 Ways to Stay Healthy While Working a Desk Job

7 Ways to Stay Healthy While Working a Desk Job

More than half of the population works a sedentary desk job where they sit for up to 12 hours a day. The scary part about this is, sitting down all day is one of the worst things you can do for your health. It increases the likelihood of weight gain and heart disease as well as other negative effects. To combat this, small consistent changes over a span of time can help you to stay healthy despite working a desk job. Here are 7 ways you can implement those healthy changes today!

Exercise During the Week

Incorporating exercise into your daily routine will significantly help you to stay healthy. Personally, I like to workout prior to starting my work day and here’s why! I get it done first thing in the morning before my day gets hectic, it gives me a boost of energy, helps me to choose better food options, burns calories throughout the day and helps me sleep better at night. That’s my personal preference however, do what works best for you! Some people are able to get a full 45 minute workout in during their lunch hour. While others prefer to workout right after work to unwind!

Take a Walk During Lunch

Taking a walk during your lunch break is a easy way to compliment your weekly workout routine. Nonetheless, it’s a great way to get some fresh air, give yourself some “me time” or catch up with coworkers. The total walking time is up to you however, I try to stick to under 15 minutes and start right after I finish eating lunch. This is easier and more pleasant during the spring and summer seasons but don’t let winter stop you! If you have bad winters and hate the cold like I do, you can still take your daily walks throughout the building. You’ll be surprised by how many other people within your company are doing the same thing!

Stick to Drinking Water

Since you’re sitting most of the day, it’s imperative that you stick to drinking water… and lots of it. This is especially true if you’re like the vast majority of people that need their coffee in the morning. Now there’s nothing wrong with one cup of coffee however, all of your remaining drinks should be water. It’s important to stay hydrated and get your daily water intake in before the day is over. Oftentimes, people don’t drink enough water throughout the work day and are left trying to do so within the last few hours at night.

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Take Hourly Breaks

I’m still working on this myself but taking hourly breaks is definitely an added benefit to staying healthy. Working long stretches throughout the day will take a toll on your body both physically and mentally. So the last 5 minutes of every hour, you should stand up and stretch or take a quick lap around the building. It’s a great way to stay productive by giving yourself and your eyes a much needed break! Additionally, taking these short breaks will help you improve your focus and stop your body from feeling drained.

Skip the Elevator & Take the Stairs

Are you one of those people that take the elevators up or down 1 floor? I’ve been guilty of this myself! Skipping the elevator and taking the stairs is a simple yet effective way to get more steps in throughout the day. Additionally, it’s another added benefit of possibly getting your heart rate up and complimenting your exercise routine. Now if you work in a building that has 30 flights of stairs, I’m by no means telling you to walk up or down 30 flights! However, if you’re going from floor 10 to 12, that’s more than doable to take the stairs.

Bring Your Own Lunch

Bringing my own lunch to work is top on the list of staying healthy while working a desk job. For starters, I know how it was prepared and that it’ll be a healthy meal for my body. Additionally, it’s portioned controlled so I won’t be overeating and adding too much food to my plate while I’m hungry. If you count calories or macros, this is extremely difficult to do when you’re buying lunch everyday. The meal offerings change on a regular basis and you don’t know how everything was prepared. The salad can be a great option but do you know how many calories are in the dressing? Lastly, another top reason bringing your lunch benefits you is because you’ll save lots of money! Do the math and see how $10 5 times a week adds up over a year.

Park at the End of the Parking Lot

Almost everyone wants a close parking spot but I prefer to park towards the end of the lot. Studies show that adults should be walking 10,000 steps per day to stay fit and healthy. So parking towards the end of the lot, paired with your weekly exercise, hourly breaks and walk during lunch should all add up! Don’t be like everyone else parking close to the building, park further away so at the beginning and end of the day you can get some additional steps in.

Staying healthy while working a desk job doesn’t have to be challenging. It’s all about being mindful and taking the time to get yourself moving. We shouldn’t be handcuffed to our desk and computer all day! Take brief spurts of time for you to recharge and stay focused. What are some ways you stay healthy while working a desk a job? Let me know in the comments below!

Until next time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Disciplined!

Let’s be friends!

Follow me on Instagram @MissAshleyAllison Twitter @MsAshleyAllison and Pinterest @MsAshleyAllison.

7 Ways to Stay Healthy While Working a Desk Job
7 Ways to Stay Healthy While Working a Desk Job