No, I Don’t Want Kids Right Now So Please Stop Asking

don't want kids right now
I will never forget the day when I was checking out at a Macy’s department store and the cashier straight up called me selfish. It was around the holidays and on this particular night, I was shopping for my two god daughters and god son. Per usual, I had went ham in the kids section and had to force myself to checkout. As the cashier is ringing up my items, he automatically assumed that I had kids. I kindly corrected him and stated that the clothes were for my god kids.
Per usual, I get the dreaded question. . . why haven’t you had kids yet? Who else hates this question just as much as I do? I think it’s so rude because you never know what someone might be going through. What if I was trying to have kids and couldn’t? What if I was experiencing a trauma from losing a child? You never know what someone could be going through. Nonetheless, I simply told the cashier that I feel I’m too young and not ready for kids. So for right now, my dog Polo is my baby (which he really is). What does he say next? You guessed it! “Well how old are you?!”
Now I’m starting to get a tad annoyed. . . like why is this man all up in my business? I kept my cool though and let him know I was currently 26. My answer must’ve struck a nerve because he told me that this is the time I should be having children and my dog will never compare to birthing an actual human being. I disregarded all of that and informed him that I’m focusing on establishing myself first by building my businesses. At this point. . . he had ENOUGH of me! Lol. He looked me dead in the face and told me I was selfish. I kind of had to laugh at it because I knew my response was going to put this cashier over the edge. Y’all know what I said right? I told him, “Yes. . . I am selfish.”
Women should not feel pressured to have kids at ANY age. If you’re not ready, or simply don’t want children, then that’s your decision. The stigmas and stereotypes of when it’s the “perfect time” to have children needs to stop. I’m currently 27 and while I definitely want children in my future, I know I’m simply not ready yet. I FULLY ENJOY being selfish. . . focusing my attention on establishing myself, building my brands and traveling the world whenever I choose to. The best part is. . . that’s absolutely fine! So don’t let anyone tell you how you should be living your life. We all have different walks of life and it’ll all be done within His timing!
Do you have people pressuring and asking you the dreaded baby question? Since I’m getting older I tend to hear it more now than ever. I’m interested to hear your stories, so let me know in the comments and please don’t forget to subscribe!

Until Next Time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Motivated!


Let’s be friends! 🙂

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