Why You Should Define Your Own Version of Success

Defining our own definition of success is one that’s so important yet often overlooked. I was talking to one of my mentors the other day and she mentioned that I need to have a temporary finish line. At first, it went completely over my head and as she continued to speak, I immediately agreed with her. As I drove home that night, it really hit me that I hadn’t given myself that “we’ve accomplished it” defining moment. So here’s some reasons on why it’s so important to define your own version of success.
Never Satisfied
We’re all climbing the ladder to get closer to the next level of “success.” If we do not define what that current season of success means to us, it’s a high chance we’ll never be satisfied. Sometimes we only look at the end result and don’t appreciate how far we’ve come thus far. After all, those small wins is what added up to our big win and brought us to where we are now.
Always Running
If no definition of success is stated, then what are we running towards? We’re working so hard to obtain what exactly? There needs to be a temporary “stop point” where we stop running because we’ve reached that particular milestone. Always running to the next thing will for sure cause burn out both mentally and physically.
Shortchanging Yourself
As a driven individual, our minds are always thinking that we could’ve done a little bit more. When in reality, we did our absolute best and worked hard to reach our targeted goals. Having no definition of success, makes it ridiculously easy to downplay ourselves and work ethic. Rather than celebrating our hard work paying off, we could be dismissing all that we’ve achieved.
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Taking Things for Granted
When we’re constantly in “what’s next” mode, it’s easy to take for granted all the things we do have. Great health, loving family, wonderful friends, amazing job, etc. We’ll be busy running towards something and forgetting to appreciate all the things that’s in our lives now!
Final Thoughts
Ultimately, it’s essential that you define your success and have more than one “finish line.” Each mountain that we embark on is a journey… and every time we get to the top is a monumental achievement. It doesn’t have to be ridiculously huge goals either! I know for me, one of my goals for this year was to become consistent in ALL ASPECTS of my life. When I reach that level of consistency, I will most definitely celebrate it. A big goal I have is to make six figures consistently every month. That may take time to do but it’s my next level per the current season that I’m in. The key point is to keep your big end goal in mind but set those small “finish lines” to stop and enjoy your journey!

Have you defined what success means to you? If so, please let me know in the comments!
Until next time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Disciplined!
Let’s be friends!
Follow me on Instagram @MissAshleyAllison Twitter @MsAshleyAllison and Snapchat @MsAshleyAllison.
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