The Culturally Savvy Afropolitan: Audrey

Culturally Savvy Afropolitan Audrey

It’s Fridayyyyy. . . so of course we’re back with another feature! This week I was blessed with interviewing Audrey who is 1/3 creator of!  Yes, that means possibly a 3-part series with all of the creators behind this wonderful blog! *rubs hands like Birdman* LOL. Anyways, Audrey was such a great pleasure to work with/interview and I know you all will find her story as interesting as I did! Enjoy!


Tell us about yourself and how you started or got involved with!

• I am a culturally savvy Afropolitan. I love connecting with people and experiencing different cultures through traveling. I am passionate about all things international development and being an agent of change. I believe wholeheartedly in living a life full of purpose and challenging the status quo.
• I got started and involved with the through my desire to encourage and empower young women like myself to love their authentic self, break down barriers and live without limitations.


How is the blog and content managed? Do each of you have a specific category of the blog that you write for?

• I’m a strong believer in making time to water your own dreams and goals. With a full time career and life responsibilities, having two other partners being able to delegate tasks among ourselves has truly helped me/us in efficiently running our blog. We each take turns in producing varied contents in all the categories for the blog. In addition, everyone brings different skill sets that contribute immensely. Some of us have more technical skills that help ensure the aesthetic of the blog is maintained, while others are great in pushing the overall mission of the blog and garnering new partnerships.


The Culturally Savvy Afropolitan: Audrey


In your opinion, what does “fearlesself” mean to you?

• The Fearlesself is a platform dedicated to motivating and inspiring women to become the architects of their own lives. We wanted to create a platform that allowed us to share our honest and varied experiences with the hope that it will inspire others to love and honor their authentic self.


What has been the most challenging moment in your blogging journey so far?

I have a knack for writing, storytelling and making sure things are curated in a way that can be visually understood. However, I sometimes struggle with finding a balance in not wanting to overshare personal struggles or battles but at the same time sharing enough in order to be relatable, encouraging and engaging to our readers.


The Culturally Savvy Afropolitan: Audrey


What advice would you give someone who hasn’t necessarily found their tribe yet?

• I would say to find your tribe, you must remain authentic to who you are, because that will attract the right group of friends. Also, you must be astute in your search and make sure to ask yourself these helpful and honest questions once you feel that you have found your tribe:
o What does each of these friends bring to the group?
o Are you all learning from each other?
o Are you all speaking life and “Queen ish” to each other? Are you all ambitious and hold each other accountable? Are you there for one another through thick and thin or only when the good times roll?
o And do you all focus on the present moments and not the future?
The answers to these questions will truly help you recognize whether you have found the right tribe of friends.


From your Instagram, it looks like you travel quite a bit! Which destination has been your favorite and why?

• Out of all the destinations I have been to thus far, I think my favorite had to be when I traveled to my country of origin—Liberia. There was a sense of connection and belonging there, and I fell in love with the most peculiar things the country had to offer.


The Culturally Savvy Afropolitan: Audrey


What is your greatest achievement outside of blogging?

• I think my greatest achievement is being able to persevere in life regardless of what is thrown my way. Being able to travel outside of my comfort zone and experience different milieus and making my family proud simply because of who I am and maintaining the teachings and values they instilled in me.


How would you describe your personal style and do you have any fashion icons that inspire you?

• I would sum my sense of style as one that is eclectic. I love to be comfortable, so I tend to gravitate towards boho and hippie influence styles a lot.
• I love Audrey Hepburn, and although our styles differ, she has always been a fashion icon to me. She had that classy, sophisticated chic style.


The Culturally Savvy Afropolitan: Audrey


Where do you see yourself in five years?

• In five years, I see myself being a successful social entrepreneur, owning a few businesses that seeks to create sustainable solutions to solve some of society’s pressing issues


To stay connected with Audrey, please make sure to join her newsletter at! Also, don’t forget to follow her on Instagram @TinyHipster_. I hope you all enjoyed this week’s Feature Friday post and look forward to the second part of this series!

Until next time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Motivated!