5 Mindset Beliefs That are Significantly Holding You Back
Our mindset is the biggest thing that holds us back from achieving our goals and living life to the fullest. Oftentimes, we don’t even realize that what we’ve been telling ourselves all this time is the very thing that’s been holding us back. It’s not until you catch it and fully recognize just how hindering this belief has been! So whether you’ve been having issues with being happy or just want to improve your life, try analyzing and acknowledging what you tell yourself that appears to be true. Here’s some common beliefs that people tell themselves!
“It has to be perfect!”
Sure, you can try to make everything you do reach full perfection but you’ll disappoint yourself every single time. I’m here to tell you that perfection doesn’t exist! I understand that we sometimes set high expectations for ourselves however, don’t set it so high that it’s impossible to reach. No one is perfect, nothing is perfect, so why keep expecting yourself to do everything right? All that matters at the end of the day is you tried your absolute best and put in your all!
“If my successes aren’t validated by others, then it isn’t a success.”
With this age of social media and everyone flaunting their highlight reels, it’s easy to want that same validation as well. At the end of the day, the only person that matters in regards to validation is YOU! Don’t wait for validation from others because oftentimes, they cannot see nor understand your vision. So it has a negative effect by default since they cannot see the end result/vision like you can. Celebrate ALL YOUR WINS! The small ones and big ones. . . all that matters is you know what you achieved.
“I’ll be happy when…”
I use to say this as well until I realized that outside forces do not have the ability to bring me happiness. Don’t look for external things and/or people to make you happy and fulfilled. The only true way to happiness is improving you internally! Work on your thoughts and practice thinking good things that bring you joy and serenity. External factors will never make you happy, only you have the ability to control that.
RELATED: Overthinking and Perfectionism: How it’s Holding You Back from Greatness
“Once I make more money, my value will increase.”
This is what I like to call “fake news!” Your value will never be determined by money. . . ever! Your value is determined by how you choose to measure your worth; whether that is helping others, doing things you love or fulfilling your passions. The best thing here is, you get to choose and trust me, it’s not money that’ll ever increase your value!
“I can’t leave my job because…”
This is an excuse to stay at the same place you are even though you aren’t being fulfilled. If you dislike your job, have outgrown it or simply don’t want to do that work anymore. . . shift! Don’t let limiting beliefs hold you back from shifting to another position that’ll better fulfill you. Most importantly, who cares if you haven’t been there a year yet or if you’re almost at the 10 year mark. Why push back your happiness when you have full and complete control? Do what makes sense for you!
You’re in complete control and can shift your life as you see fit. Don’t let these mindsets hinder you from achieving your milestones and living a life that you truly love! What are some beliefs that have previously or are currently holding you back? Let me know in the comments!
Until next time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Disciplined!
Let’s be friends!
Follow me on Instagram @MissAshleyAllison Twitter @MsAshleyAllison and Snapchat @MsAshleyAllison.
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