3 Tips To Stay Matte And Oil Free

tips for oily combination skin

I have oily combination skin. . . like REALLY oily skin! The kind of oil that gleams and makes me look either sweaty or like I rubbed my face with Vaseline. Over time I’ve learned how to combat my oiliness and stay matte when I’m wearing makeup! It is the absolute worst, when you have on a full face of foundation and your face looks like it is legit melting off! Thank goodness for the Jackie Aina’s (haayyy Auntie Jackie!) to teach us the tips and tricks to keeping that oil in check! Here’s my three tips on how to stay matte and oil free for oily combination skin.


Too many times I have seen people apply foundation without priming their skin first. Now listen, I am no makeup guru by ANY MEANS but I even know that a good primer is key! Nonetheless, correct me in the comments if I’m wrong makeup guru’s, but doesn’t primer protect your pores? I always look to my primers as a layer of protection, to keep that foundation from completely “filling in” my pores. Whatever the case, just know you NEED a primer before applying that foundation! My two favorite primers are Maybelline Baby Skin Instant Pore Eraser and NYX Angel Veil Skin Perfecting Primer. I love these two primers for two completely different reasons and seasons, here’s why!

Maybelline Baby Skin Instant Pore Eraser

The Maybelline Baby Skin Eraser does a great job at what it says it’s going to do, which is erase your pores. It has a gel-like texture that comes off as greasy, but it dries matte and is very easy to apply! The texture makes me feel like my skin is being protected from the foundation and all the other products I apply thereafter. Speaking of foundation, I find that this primer gives me the best finish! My base (foundation) always looks so smooth and even after it dries down. . . which looks flawless! My only issue with the Baby Skin Eraser is, I prefer wearing it in the winter months or to places where I won’t get/be hot. I found that this primer does a great job with erasing and giving me a flawless finish, but my oil can breakthrough it rather quickly in “hot climates.” Therefore, I keep the Baby Skin Eraser during times when I know it’ll work best for me!

NYX Angel Veil Skin Perfecting Primer

NYX knew what they were doing when they created this primer! I grab Angel Veil during the summer months and whenever I’m going to be someplace where it might get hot. Opposite of the Baby Skin Eraser, the texture of Angel Veil is thin and runny with a tiny hint of gel. I can literally shake this primer before I apply it to my skin; that’s how thin it is. Application was also NOT beginner friendly like Maybelline’s Baby Skin! If you do not know how to apply it, you will end up with little tiny balls or globs on your face. Additionally, do not be shocked when your face is purple/ashy after application; I promise the foundation will cover all of that up! Even though Angel Veil has its minor issues, it does an amazing job of keeping my oil in check. Believe it or not, there’s been times where I’ve been too matte from this primer and felt like my skin was going to crack. LOL! Nonetheless, I have to say that NYX Angel Veil is my go-to favorite right now.

RELATED: June Favorites: Beauty & Skincare
Setting Your Primer

Now this is a trick straight from Jackie Aina herself and I have to say I doubted Auntie Jackie at first! When I saw her applying setting powder over primer and under foundation, all I could think of was cake. How “cakey” my face would look with all that powder laying underneath. However, I couldn’t give Auntie the side eye for too long because y’all know I had to try it! Let me tell you, setting my primers had me matte for the entire time I was out. I did not need to blot or touch up at all! This duo was like Batman and Robin. . . and I was so happy that I tried it! Yes, it adds a little bit of time onto the process of application, but the payoff is so worth it. I will never go back to not setting my primer. . . unless I’m going to an ice bar or something. LOL!

Matte Foundations

I curse any foundation that says “dewy” or “glow” finish. . . I want NO PARTS of it! Quite frankly, unless the foundation has claims of mattifying, I will not purchase it. Remember the Batman and Robin duo?? We got to stay aligned to all things oil blocking and this is the last step! My favorite foundation right now is Maybelline Fit Me MATTE AND PORELESS (key words). Maybelline once again proved to do everything it claimed it would; keep me matte and erase my pores. Not to mention, they have a ton of different shades that are melanin friendly! Hats off to you Maybelline for thinking of us brown girls! I can wear this foundation year round with no problems and for quite some time before seeing oil. Keep in mind, that’s if I do my two steps listed previously!

That’s it! Find yourself a great primer, set it and finish off with a mattifying foundation. These methods work wonders for me, so I know they will benefit you as well! What are your tips to stay matte and oil free? Let me know in the comments and as always don’t forget to subscribe!

Until Next Time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Motivated!

Let’s be friends! 🙂

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