Five Common Blogging Mistakes to Avoid (& How to Fix Them)

blogging mistakes to avoid

Whether you’re a beginner or seasoned blogger, we’ve all made (or are currently making) some of these top blogging mistakes! The scary part is, what seems like a small error can have a huge impact on your readers and overall growth. So I wanted to share with you the top five common blogging mistakes to avoid and how to fix them!

No Promotion

When I first started blogging, I thought all I needed was to create amazing content and my audience would come and read. Umm. . . yea no! I quickly found out that having a successful blog required 20% of creating content and 80% promoting it. You can create the best content in the world but if you don’t spend time promoting it, then no one will ever read it. Nonetheless, it usually takes a person three times to see something before they “give it a shot.” So you’d have to promote your content consistently before a potential reader actually clicks through to your website. This is why I rely on automation. . . learn more about that here.

No Consistency

When a person really enjoys your content, they’re going to check back at least weekly for something new. It can be such a letdown to your audience if you don’t post consistently. I can’t tell you how many blogs I’ve visited where the content is far and few in between! Posting once a month can have a huge impact on your readers and cause them to look elsewhere. The key here is to realize that blogging takes a lot of time and energy; it’s a lifestyle change. So a set schedule of posting at least once a week (same day, every week) is better than once a month!

Bad Writing

I know a lot of us aren’t experts in writing however, people do not like bad grammar and poor spelling! How is anyone suppose to take you seriously when you write like you text? Why would someone purchase your course if you don’t take the time to proofread? Now I know small errors happen to all of us, but run on sentences is a clear sign of laziness! Please make sure to proofread your content, utilize tools like grammarly or hire someone who can audit your post(s) before publishing.

No Investments

Now this one is targeted towards the bloggers who have aspirations of blogging full time. There’s only so much we can do, learn and utilize for free.99! You will need to invest money to take your blog to the next level! For example, I am HORRIBLE at remembering to tweet/promote my posts on Twitter. So I created an account with and scheduled my tweets to automatically publish on my account. It’s well worth the investment because now I don’t have to worry about promoting on Twitter for the entire month! Also, don’t be afraid to invest in courses. . . I invested in an SEO course and learned wayyyy more than I ever imagined! Just make sure to do your research and get testimonials/recommendations.

 No Networking

In order to build a community, you have to network with like minded individuals! I personally hate networking in person however, social media makes networking so much easier. Sign up for blogging groups in Facebook, join Twitter chats geared towards bloggers, like/comment on others content and just engage! The more you put yourself out there, the more likely you’ll meet other creatives and connect. This is also a great way for you to eventually cross promote and grow your audience.
Blogging requires so much more time and dedication than people realize! So if you’re one of those bloggers who want to go full time, then these mistakes cannot happen. Make sure to continue to research and never stop learning on how you can make yourself and your business/blog better! Hope this helps and if you have any top blogging mistakes, please let me know in the comments! Don’t forget to subscribe and we’ll talk soon!

Until next time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Disciplined!


Let’s be friends!

Follow me on Instagram @MissAshleyAllison Twitter @MsAshleyAllison and Snapchat @MsAshleyAllison.