5 Signs That You’re Self Sabotaging and Damaging Your Life

signs of self sabotaging
Self sabotaging is something that we’ve all done whether we’re aware of it or not. It’s a coping mechanism to “protect ourselves” but in reality, we’re causing way more damage than we realize. Oftentimes, when things get tough or aren’t going good, we retreat back to our comfort zones. Once back in a place that’s familiar, we then ask ourselves why our lives aren’t progressing the way we feel they should be. If you’ve recently been asking yourself this same question, then it’s a good chance that you’ve been self sabotaging.

Believing You Don’t Deserve Better

Ever seen someone (could be your favorite celeb) have the world at their fingertips and they mess it all up? It’s a high chance that this person didn’t believe they deserved any of it. We have a hard time accepting when things are going good and happening in our favor. A lot of times I’ll hear someone say, “this is too good to be true” or “this must be a mistake.” When really, you’re more than deserving of the blessings you received at that particular time! For some reason though, a lot of us don’t think we deserve the fruits of our hard labor and consistency. When someone compliments you, thank them. If someone gives you recognition, accept that. When God blesses you, receive it. Don’t downplay yourself and let negative thoughts cause you to push your blessings away.

Avoiding Your Inner Issues

Everyone has issues. . . it’s life. However, how you choose to handle those inner issues (or don’t handle them) is your choice alone! It’s crucial that we acknowledge our inner demons and work on bettering ourselves. Most people do not like to be vulnerable and put their most fragile issues out on the table for someone else to see. The thing is, we cannot fix everything on our own and there are times when we need a trusted person to help us battle our inner demons. This is something that you should not be embarrassed by or try to avoid, as it’ll never go away until it’s confronted. Letting these inner issues sit dormant within your mind and resurface at inconsistent times is super risky to both you and your personal growth. It’s best to reach out and get help to alleviate you from those demons once and for all!

RELATED: 5 Things You Need to Stop Doing to Make Your Life Less Complicated


Ignoring Adult Responsibilities

This can be an array of things so let’s list a few and you’ll get the point! Not paying your bills, not providing for your children, showing up late to work, spending money recklessly, not following through on your commitments and the list goes on. Ignoring your responsibilities as an adult definitely has negative repercussions that are unavoidable. In result, these negative endings take a toll on your life both mentally and physically. Becoming an adult requires to act like one and it’s inevitable that you can run from it. Instead, begin to take responsibility and get your life in order! I ensure that once you have a solid routine, things will begin to run more smoothly and end in your favor.

Using Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms

If you’re using unhealthy mechanisms to cope, I urge that you confide in someone you trust right now! Situations like these should not sit idle and need to be resolved as soon as possible. For the people who aren’t sure what this is, I’ll provide you with one example. Typically a person whose battling inner issues, wants them to go away but doesn’t pick the right option to do so. Instead, they can choose to go out and drink but the thing is, they drink excessively. So excessively that they make terrible decisions, put themselves and others at risk and wake up in the morning vaguely remembering the night before. This is a terrible way to deal with your issues and will not help at all! I seriously urge you to please reach out to someone you trust and get professional help to battle those demons together!

Taking Things Too Personally

If you get angry or annoyed every time someone tries to give you advice, help you or provide constructive criticism then you definitely take things too personally! Gaining outside knowledge and perspective from others is crucial to your personal growth. Typically when someone is providing their advice, it’s because they’re trying to help you not attack you. Insecurity plays a big part in this as well. . . ask yourself why you respond negatively when situations like these occur. It’ll provide you with lots of insight on why you believe that others don’t have your best interest in mind. Getting angry, annoyed or challenging advice that people give to you will cause them not to say anything at all. Would you rather live in your own bubble assuming you know everything or get a reality check?
These are just a few signs that you can be self sabotaging and damaging your life. If you’ve related to them, that’s the first step to acknowledging and begin your transformation. Have you self sabotaged in the past? Or currently still do? Please let me know in the comments on how you fight it and move forward towards your personal growth!

Until next time ASSASSINS. . . Stay Disciplined!


I see this all too often where women stop chasing their dreams due to fear of failure, judgement of others and life excuses. So I created my program to help women break free, gain their confidence, shift the mindset and start executing! If you’re ready to take your life to the next level, CLICK HERE to reserve your spot.


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